SANTILLANA USA - Guiding Principles Sampler

2 2 GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR DUAL LANGUAGE EDUCATION Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (3rd edition) The third edition of this volume is a joint publication of the Center for Applied Linguistics, Dual Language Education of New Mexico, and Santillana USA. Recommended reference citation: Howard, E. R., Lindholm-Leary, K. J., Rogers, D., Olague, N., Medina, J., Kennedy, B., Sugarman, J., & Christian, D. (2018). Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics. © 2018 Center for Applied Linguistics. All rights reserved. With the exception of Appendix A and Appendix B, no part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the copyright holder. All inquiries should be addressed to or to Permissions, Center for Applied Linguistics, 4646 40th Street NW, Washington, DC 20016. Development of this edition of Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education was funded by the Center for Applied Linguistics with additional support from Dual Language Education of New Mexico. Design, layout, and production were provided by Santillana USA. The first edition of this publication was developed with funding to the Center for Applied Linguistics from the U.S. Department of Education (ED) via subcontract from the National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA) at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. The contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of NCELA or ED, and no endorsement by the federal government should be assumed. GDP INSIDE OK-Nov1.indd 2 12/03/18 1:17 p.m.