SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
8 Unit Features Day 3 16 | Unit1 CheckComprehension INTERPRETIVE £5Yr VIGYIVHEW# • Write the sequencewords on the board and tell students that since the text on page 14was so simple, it did not include any time and orderwords or phrases.Then have students turn to page 16.Have a volunteer read the title ¿Qué recuerdas? Then have the class chorally repeat the title. A. Read the direction and have students read alongwith you. Help students identifywhat happens first,next, and last according to the dialogues they heard/read on page 14. Ask: ¿Qué pasa primero? What happens first? ¿Qué pasadespués? What happens next? ¿Qué pasa porúltimo? What happens last? B. Have volunteers read each statement under the illustrations and saywhether it is cierto (true) or falso (false) according to the story or common sense. Finally, read each statement, adding the corresponding cierto or falso , and have students repeat after you. 1. Yo soyTomás. Falso I’mTomás. False 2. ¡Hola! Cierto Hello! True 3. Adiós. Cierto Goodbye. True 4. Buenosdías. Falso Goodmorning. False MultipleAccess Strategies AccessingConcepts Ask students to name theword or phrase for “first,”“next,” and “last” from the board.Help them repeat these after you: primero,después, porúltimo .Then distribute Hojadeactividad 44 ,which shows the three images from activityA.Ask students to copy the sequence expressions on the corresponding images.Have them cut out the three images and glue them into a booklet. Finally,have them use the bookletwith a classmate for additional oral practice using the sequence espressions. AccessingContent Distribute Hojadeactividad 44 and ask students to complete it by filling in the sequence expressions and greetings such as hola and buenosdías in the first box, thewords visita/visitan or pirámides in the second box, and thewords adiós or hasta luego in the third box. México • Week Good toKnow! SPANISHANDOTHERDISCIPLINES La secuencia es el orden en el que ocurren los sucesos enunanarración.Comprender en qué orden ocurren los sucesos te ayuda a formar ideas y opiniones sobreuna narración.Palabras y frases como “primero”, “después” y “porúltimo” indican el orden de los sucesos enuna narración. Sequence is the order inwhich things happen in a story.Understanding the order inwhich events take place helps you form ideas and opinions about a story.Words and phrases, such as primero (first), después (next), and porúltimo (last), often signal the order of events in a story. DAY 3 Unidad1 16 ¿Qué recuerdas? A. Ordena. B. ¿Cierto o falso? 2. 3. Adiós. 4. Buenosdías. 1. 1. 2. 3. Hola. Adiós. (3) por último Falso Falso Cierto Cierto (1) primero (2) después Nos conocemos | 17 AccessingCritical-Thinking Skills Distribute Hojade actividad 44 and ask students to complete it using phrases or sentences.Encourage students to use the vocabulary for greetings and goodbyes they have already practiced aswell as vocabulary such as niños and pirámides .Have students share their phrases or short sentenceswith the class. Meeting IndividualNeeds Intensive Youmay assist studentswho exhibit or have been identified as having a learning disability by focusing on one concept at a time, such as cierto and falso .Make several true/ false statements in English and have students practice the skill by saying cierto or falso after they hear each statement. Challenge Encouragemore-advanced students and/or heritage speakers to come upwith other sequencewords or ordinal numbers. For example, elicit segundo (second), tercero (third), cuarto (fourth), and otherwords.Write these on the board and have students explain to the classwhat theymean. ScaffoldandApply INTERPERSONAL ,SPE ] EHM{W A. Have students turn to page 17 in their books.Read the title, Hola yadiós, aloud.Read the direction aloud and have students read along.Have students listen as you read and model the pronunciation and the intonation of all three dialogues.Then have them close their books as you conduct a choral repetition of the dialogues. • After they open their books again,have students get together with a partner to practice the dialogues using the different greetings and goodbyes. B. Have volunteers read the direction, and then have the entire class say theword Conversa with you. Role-Play Explain that the expressions under Saludos and Despedidas are some of themost common greetings and goodbyes in Spanish.Encourage students tomake up dialogues with those expressions, and invite them to act them out in front of the class.Be sure that students only usewordswithwhich they are familiar. Have students open their Cuadernode práctica to page 6. Read the directions and have students read alongwith you. Explain the directions andmodel the activity/activities.Then have students complete the page as independent classwork or homework. Close INTERPRETIVE Have students revisit the predictions theymade.Direct their attention to the predictions on the board.Have them discuss how their predictionswere the same as or different from the dialogues in Las pirámides. Day 3 Semana1 17 Hola y adiós Hola. Hola. Adiós. ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómoestás? Hasta luego. Nosvemos. A. Escucha y repite. B. Conversa. Las respuestas varían. Check Comprehension ( Check Pronunciation on Day 7, Check Language on Day 11, Check Functions and Forms on Day 15) Suggests activities to bring closure to day . Scaffold and Apply including new vocabulary activities that build on previously presented vocabulary and skills. Meeting Individual Needs activities for Benchmark, Strategic, or Intensive groups, plus a Challenge activity for more-advanced students and/or heritage speakers. Multiple Access Strategies for concepts, content, and critical- thinking skills. Main Sections Explore Cultures ( Explore Connections on Day 8, Explore Comparisons on Day 12, Explore Communities on Day 16) Multiple Access Strategies for concepts, content, and critical- thinking skills. Day 4 Multiple Intelligences Logical/Mathematical Provide copies of the image side of the Tarjeta fotográfica that shows aMexican pyramid. Explain that this pyramid has four triangular sides and a square base,while others, such as Egyptian pyramids,were builtwith three triangular sides and a triangular base. Distribute Hojadeactividad 45 and have students design and color their ownMexican pyramid.Have them cut out and glue their pyramids together.Display students’ artwork in the classroom. 18 | Unit1 México • Week DAY 4 18 Unidad1 Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches B. Conversa. Buenosdías,Lisa. Buenosdías, señoraLópez. Buenasnoches,Lisa. Buenasnoches, mamá. Buenas tardes, señorGómez. Buenas tardes,Pedro. A. Escucha y repite. ExploreCultures PRACTICESANDPERSPECTIVES &YIRSW HvEW FYIREW XEVHIW FYIREW RSGLIW • Have students turn to page 18 in their books.Call on a volunteer to read the title, Buenosdías, buenas tardes, buenasnoches , and then have the class chorally repeat the title after you. A. Read the direction aloud and have students read along.Then read the three dialogues aloud and have students listen.Read them again and have students repeat after you.Youmaywish to repeat the procedurewhile students have their books closed. B. Have volunteers read the direction, Conversa .Explain that buenosdías (goodmorning), buenas tardes (good afternoon), and buenasnoches (good evening/good night) are also common Spanish greetings—and, in addition, buenasnoches is used to say goodbye. • Point out that señor (Mr./sir) and señora (Mrs./ma’am) are formal forms of address for teachers,parents, and other adults. • Point to the scene depicting Lisa and hermother, and explain that inmost Spanish-speaking countries it is common for familymembers or close friends to kiss on the cheekwhen they greet each other orwhen they say goodbye. MultipleAccess Strategies AccessingConcepts Have students point towords and to phrases such as buenosdías, buenas tardes , and buenasnoches , and ask them to say them back to you. AccessingContent/Role-Play Have pairs of students take turns role-playing all three dialogues from activityA. AccessingCritical-Thinking Skills/Role-Play Have pairs of students create their own dialogues using their names.Have them act out the dialogues in front of the class. Meeting IndividualNeeds Benchmark Youmay assist students havingminor difficulties pronouncing the letter ñ in señor and señora by having them pretend that thewords are spelled senyor and senyora as they try saying them again. Challenge Call on volunteers to name two objects in the illustrations, such as libro (book) and pelota (ball). For additional practice and reinforcement of the skills and concepts presented thisweek,have students access the DescubreOnline activities for this unit andweek. Las respuestas varían. Nos conocemos | 19 ReviewandApply INTERPERSONAL Have students turn to page 19.Read the topic under Repasa and reviewwith students new concepts and vocabulary learned throughout theweek. Skim through previous pages and use Tarjetas fotográficas and items from theManipulativesKit as necessary. InformalAssessment • For the Aplica activity, read the three commands and have individual students stand up and perform one command each. • When you say Saludaaunniño (Greet a boy), the student should stand up and greet a boy, following themodel ¡Hola! Yo soy… (Hello!My name is…) or Buenas tardes, yo soy… (Good afternoon,my name is…) • When you say Saludaaunaniña (Greet a girl), the student should stand up and greet a girl.Then choose a girl and have her pretend that she is señora López.Explain Despídetede. Have students practice despídetede using adiós (goodbye), hasta luego (see you later), and nos vemos (I’ll see you). • Be sure that all students participate, and evaluate students’ performance. • Revisit the EssentialQuestion for theweek and ask students to answer it using concepts and vocabulary learned during theweek. Have students open their Cuadernode práctica to page 7. Read the directions and have students read alongwith you. Explain the directions andmodel the activity/activities.Then have students complete the page as independent classwork or homework. CulminatingActivities PRESENTATIONAL WritingProcess Students planwhat they are going to write by drawing,developing ideas, and organizing their drawings and ideas. • Have students repeat the activity title ¡A escribir! after you.Then have the class read the line Tema: Mi familia .Explain to students that in the next few weeks, theywill prepare illustrated stories about their families. • Brieflymention the four stages of thewriting process.Explain that thisweek they are at the Planifica stage.Discuss themeaning of the stage and ask students to draw a picture of themselves and all their familymembers on a sheet of paper. Álbumde recuerdos • Explain to students thatAnna and Charlie are keeping a scrapbook containing pictures and items they collect of the places they visit.They call it Elálbumde recuerdosdeAnna yCharlie (Anna and Charlie’s scrapbook). Tell students that theywill create their own álbumde recuerdos as they accompanyAnna and Charlie on their travels.Then distribute Hojade actividad 12 , and hand out the blank scrapbooks. Have students label the cover Miálbumde recuerdos . This can be a home connection activity. • Explain to students that, to start, they need to draw themselves greetingTomás.Then they have to cut out the speech bubbles and glue themwhere they belong in the drawing.When finished,have students glue their recuerdo inside their álbum . Day 4 9 ¤% IWGVMFMV Semana1 Repasa los saludos y lasdespedidas Aplica 1. Saludaa unniño. 2. Saludaa unaniña. 3. Despídetede la señora López. Tema: Mifamilia ¡Hola! Yo soy Janet. Las respuestas varían. Extension activities with Multiple Intelligences and Descubre Online. Meeting Individual Needs activities for Benchmark, Strategic, or Intensive groups, plus a Challenge activity for more-advanced students and/or heritage speakers. Culminating Activities involving the writing process, scrapbook, or journal keeping. Review and Apply including informal assessment activities. Featured Section Good to Know! These boxes are featured just about anywhere on the unit pages, and the information in them is meant to be read aloud to students. Although most of the boxes include cultural information, some of them also present relevant explanations that may help teachers better understand the intricacies of the Spanish language as compared with English.
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