SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

Student Book Level Closer 9 Anna y Charlie regresan a su casa en los Estados Unidos. u ‡lbum de ue rec rdos. Anna y Charlie miran s Includes some or all of the characters the main characters met during their travels, or some of the places or landmarks they visited. Shows the characters coming back home after traveling through eight countries. Differentiated Instruction Multiple Access Strategies This section contains a variety of teaching strategies and stimuli designed for students to access basic communication concepts , cultural content , and critical thinking skills . The last set of strategies is appropriate for advanced students or heritage speakers. Meeting Individual Needs This section addresses the needs of students with different modalities of learning. The Benchmark group includes students who are making good progress but are experiencing temporary or minor difficulties. The Strategic group includes students who are slightly behind or may need to have a concept re-taught to them or periodically reviewed. The Intensive group includes students who are behind and are considered at risk. The Challenge group includes advanced students or heritage speakers who may benefit from more demanding or effortful activities. Multiple Intelligences This section provides extension activities for those teachers who might feel their students will benefit from them. These activities encourage students to learn in eight different ways: linguistically, logically-mathematically, spatially, bodily-kinesthetically, musically, interpersonally, intrapersonally, and naturalistically. Heritage Speakers The term “heritage speakers” is usually applied to students who speak a language other than English in their homes even though English has already become their dominant language. Heritage speakers of the Spanish language may be able to communicate better orally than their classmates who are learning Spanish but may not be able to communicate as well in writing or use more complex language. In order to address the needs of heritage speakers who are placed in Spanish classes, Descubre el español con Santillana includes activities in its differentiated instruction sections (Multiple Access Strategies and Meeting Individual Needs) that provide growth opportunities for these students. In addition, the Antología , as well as the Biblioteca temática , include suitable activities that accommodate the different needs of heritage speakers. Descubre el español con Santillana is designed as a comprehensive Spanish as a World Language program that will cover one year of instruction. • Each of the eight units is designed to cover approximately one month of instruction . • Each unit is divided into four weeks of study . • Each week is divided into four days for a total of sixteen days per unit. Each day is designed to cover approximately a thirty-minute period . • When World Language classes are held less often, the flexibility of the program allows teachers to complete a “week” in two or more actual weeks. • Additional pacing guides designed to accommodate a variety of classroom settings, such as world language classes meeting twice a week or language immersion classes meeting every day, may be downloaded from the Teacher’s Resources section of Pacing Schedule 17