SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

12 | Unit 1 Language Functions Students will • learn and practice different forms of greetings and goodbyes in Spanish. • identify themselves and others in Spanish. • recognize the sequence of events in a text. Vocabulary Activate Prior Knowledge INTERPERSONAL Frontload Vocabulary • Ask students how they greet and say goodbye in English. Explain that in Spanish you say “hi” or “hello” by saying hola . Say hola to a student. Then wave and say adiós to him or her. Have the student say hola and adiós back to you. Repeat with a few more students. • Then have students start this process: one student says hola to the student on his or her right, and then says adiós to that student, who turns to the next student and says hola and then adiós to him or her. Continue until all students have participated. niño/niña señor/señora/ señorita pirámide cierto ≠ falso gracias adiós buenos días buenas tardes buenas noches ¿cómo estás? hasta luego hola nos vemos ¿qué tal? yo soy… Essential Question ¿Cómo nos saludamos y nos despedimos en español? How do we greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish? Write the question on the board, or create a sentence strip and place it in a sentence strip chart or attach it to the wall. Read the question and have students repeat it after you. Have volunteers try to answer the question. Explain to students that by the end of the first week of study, they will be able to greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish. Build Background PRODUCTS AND PERSPECTIVES • Explain to students that throughout this book they will learn about Anna and her brother Charlie, two children from the United States, who will visit México and seven other Spanish- speaking countries. • Direct students’ attention to the week opener image on student book pages 12–13. Then explain that most cities in Spanish-speaking countries have a main square, or plaza central , in the downtown area. Tell students that the name of this plaza is El Zócalo. Ask students if they have ever been to or seen similar plazas. Saludos y despedidas México • Week 1 DAY 1 12 ¡Buenos días! Yo soy Charlie. Yo soy Tomás. ¡Hola! Yo soy Anna.