SANTILLANA USA - ES Research Brief
aesthetics, food, music, art, and other cultural markers among Hispanics. Addressing differences and similarities through com- paring and contrasting with speakers builds Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) for adolescent language learn- ers. These skills are essential to formulating a critical awareness of the way cultural norms differ around the world, and aim at building cross-cultural communication skills and cultural competence. Beginning as early as Level 1, stu- dents are prompted to analyze how lifestyles and dress differ from their own traditional cloth- ing and ways of life. They are also provided multiple opportunities to compare and contrast the gram- mar and structural differences between English and Spanish via the use of cognates; this builds language learners’ metalinguistic awareness. IV. How does Español Santillana build technol- ogy into the curriculum? Helen Haste, a researcher at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education (HGSE, 2009), studies technology and youth participation in education. She views young adult learn- ers in two ways: as “tool users,” who can manipulate tools to capture and communicate with the world; and “prob- lem solvers,” who use logic to work through problems and solve puzzles around them. Dehmler (2009), studying technology’s impact on youth, noted that young people today live in an inter- connected, networked world, which can be accessed both day and night. Cell phones as hand-held comput- ers, television, video, online gaming, and online learn- ing have become mainstays for today’s youth. Indeed, technology is no longer an add-on to school curriculum; rather, it is a fundamental tool used by adolescent learn- ers to engage with the curriculum. Our fansdelespañol. com (Fans del Español) web site provides audio (sound) and visual (images) resources, with an imaginative and engaging adventure-style curriculum that meets the needs of adolescent learners of Spanish. In addition, teachers who prefer the use of e-books gain the added benefit of accessing an embedded glos- sary in both English and Spanish for their language learners. In the student e-books, the fotonove- las , or graphic novels, used in the Español Santillana series include speech bubbles set by the main characters. Clicking on the bubbles allows students to immediately access audio in Spanish to hear the characters speaking. Technology allows teachers to differentiate learning for students who have distinct learning needs. It can enhance a curriculum for students who wish to utilize an embedded dictionary; refer students to build vocabulary through word etymology and studies; build background to topics through audio and video; and even enable inter- national communication with peoples from across the world through social and digital media sources. Used as a resource throughout the program, technology engages language learners and motivates them to participate in multi-modal ways. Technology allows teachers to differentiate learning for students who have distinct learning needs. cientosesentaycinco 165 Palabras prestadas Muchaspalabraspasandeuna lenguaaotra. Suéter esunapalabra españolaprocedente del inglés, igualque laspalabras jersey y pijama . Investiga. Find theSpanish names of these articles of clothing. 1. anorak 2. bikini 3. moccasin 4. pullover 5. uniform AJuanyaAmalia lesgustan lasbufandas. AAnaya Eduardono lesgustan. ¿Quéropalesgusta? Escucha y completa. The characters are talking about the clothes they like towear. Listen and complete the sentences. Write the correct form of the verb and the name of the clothing items they refer to. Modelo ADiana le gustan los zapatos . gusta / gustan 1. ATimya suabuelo les gusta / gustan 2. ARitayaDiana les gusta /gustan 3. AAndy le gusta /gustan 4. A Janet le gusta /gustan Losgustosdelaclase Habla. What clothes do your classmates like? Ask four people and tally their responses. Modelo A. ¿Te gustan lasbufandas? B. Sí,me gustan lasbufandas./No,nomegustan lasbufandas. Escribe. Write the results of your interview. Modelo 1 3 2 4 cientosesentaycinco 165 Palabras prestadas Muchas palabras pasan de una lengua a otra. Suéter es una palabra española procedente del inglés, igual que las palabras jersey y pijama . Investiga. Find the Spanish names of these articles of clothing. 1. anorak 2. bikini 3. moccasin 4. pullover 5. uniform A Juan y a Amalia les gustan las bufandas. A Ana y a Eduardo no les gustan. ¿Qué ropa les gusta? Escucha y completa. The characters are talking about the clothes they like to wear. List n and complete the sentences. Write the correct form of the verb and the name of he clothing items they refer to. Modelo A Diana le gustan los zapatos . gusta / gustan 1. ATim y a su abuelo les gusta / gustan 2. A Rita y a Diana les gusta / gustan 3. A Andy le gusta /gustan 4. A Janet le gusta / gustan Los gustos de la clase Habla. What clothes do your classmates like? Ask four people and tally their responses. Modelo A. ¿Te gustan las bufandas? B. Sí,me gustan las bufandas./ No,no me gustan las bufandas. Escribe. Write the results of your interview. Modelo 1 3 2 4
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