Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019

SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP 109 GRADES 2–6 Children’s Books and Dictionaries JUDY MOODY SERIES (GRADES 3–5) 8-Title Series 978-1-60396-515-6 $62.95 8-Title Series 6-Pack 978-1-68292-761-8 361.95 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available. ROALD DAHL SERIES (GRADES 3–6) 15-Title Series 978-1-60396-937-6 $184.95 15-Title Series 6-Pack 978-1-68292-763-2 $975.95 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available. Meet Judy Moody, a third grader with plenty of attitude and imagination, and her younger brother, nicknamed Stink. 8 Titles 6 Titles 15 Titles Roald Dahl has been referred to as “one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century.” Discover his work through some of his most popular stories! STINK SERIES (GRADES 2–5) 6-Title Series 978-1-60396-516-3 $60.95 6-Title Series 6-Pack 978-1-68292-762-5 $345.95 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available. Agu Trot Charlie y el gran ascensor de cristal Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate Cuentos en verso para niños perversos Danny el campeón del mundo El dedo mágico El Gran Gigante Bonachón El Superzorro James y el melocotón gigante La Jirafa, el Pelícano y el Mono La maravillosa medicina de Jorge Las brujas Los Cretinos Matilda ¡Qué asco de bichos! El Cocodrilo Enorme Doctora Judy Moody Judy Moody adivina el futuro Judy Moody es detective ¡Judy Moody salva el planeta! Judy Moody va a la universidad Judy Moody y la Declaración de Independencia Judy Moody y la vuelta al mundo en ocho días y medio Judy Moody y un verano que promete Stink y el Gran Expreso del Cobaya Stink el increíble Niño Menguante Stink y el increíble Rompemuelas Supergaláctico Stink y los tenis más apestosos del mundo Judy Moody & Stink: ¡Felices fiestas! Judy Moody & Stink: La loca, loca búsqueda del tesoro