Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019
SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP 181 GRADES K–6 Ideal pull-in, push-out, after-school, and summer school program Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, and Music lessons Supplemental literacy program provides students with rigorous reading practice and reinforces content-area concepts, vocabulary, and structures. Spotlight on Content • Literacy activities focus on vocabulary development, oral language development, and reading comprehension and fluency. • Literary and informational texts become gradually more complex and provide vocabulary, skills, facts, and background knowledge in science and social studies. • Content-driven units present grade-level content as the vehicle for instructional language support. 8 Unit1 I He She We They read reads paint paints write i in the library. in the classroom. in the art center. on the playground. wr tes play plays Writing Sentences Choose words and write four sentences. L a n g u a g e A r t s Shapes and Patterns Copy and complete the patterns. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unit1 9 circle triangle square M a t h STUDENT BOOK TEACHER’S GUIDE AND TEACHER RESOURCE CD CLASSROOM KIT 10 STUDENT BOOKS AND 1 TEACHER GUIDE LEVEL K 978-1-62263-158-2 $25 .00 978-1-62263-165-0 $80 .00 978-1-63113-478-4 $313.00 LEVEL 1 978-1-62263-159-9 $25 .00 978-1-62263-166-7 $80 .00 978-1-63113-479-1 $313.00 LEVEL 2 978-1-62263-160-5 $25 .00 978-1-62263-167-4 $80 .00 978-1-63113-480-7 $313.00 LEVEL 3 978-1-62263-161-2 $25 .00 978-1-62263-168-1 $80 .00 978-1-63113-481-4 $313.00 LEVEL 4 978-1-62263-162-9 $25 .00 978-1-62263-169-8 $80 .00 978-1-63113-482-1 $313.00 LEVEL 5 978-1-62263-163-6 $25 .00 978-1-62263-170-4 $80 .00 978-1-63113-483-8 $313.00 LEVEL 6 978-1-62263-164-3 $25 .00 978-1-62263-171-1 $80 .00 978-1-63113-484-5 $313.00 Teacher’s Edition ELD/Intervention Student Book (Grade 1, Unit 1)
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