Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019
HOW TO ORDER 1-800-269-6311 I 62 Santillana USA has partnered with WIDA to provide Dual-Language and Spanish language arts educators with effective resources and classroom tools to support students in their journey towards bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism. WIDA Spanish Language Development (SLD) Standards In Spanish and English The WIDA Spanish Language Development (SLD) Standards outline the progression of Spanish language development in any Pre-K–12 classroom where Spanish is the language for content instruction. Within the SLD framework, the term “emergent bilinguals” is used to refer to students who are on a pathway towards bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism. Los descriptores Podemos (Spanish Can Do Descriptors Booklet) The Can Do Descriptors Booklet provides examples of what students can do at various levels of Spanish language proficiency in Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The examples are organized around the Key Uses: Recount, Explain, Argue, and Discuss, which represent a sample of overarching communicative purposes within academic content standards. The Can Do Descriptors follow the same grade-level clusters as WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grades 2–3, Grades 4–5, Grades 6–8, and Grades 9–12. Estándares del desarrollo del lenguaje español KÍNDER–GRADO 12.° EDICIÓN2013 INCLUYENDO • Característicasyejemplosdel lenguaje académicoenespañol • Conexionesa losestándaresacadémicos estatales,que incluyen losestándaresdel CommonCorey losestándaresNextGeneration ofScienceStandards • Pensamientodeorden superioren todos los nivelesdedesempeño lingüístico Los descriptores Podemos: USOS CLAVE DEL LENGUAJE ACADÉMICO EN ESPAÑOL 2.º y 3.º grados LEVEL K LEVEL 1 LEVELS 2–3 Los descriptores Podemos (Spanish Can Do Descriptors Booklet) 978-1-64101-847-0 $10 .00 978-1-64101-848-7 $10 .00 978-1-64101-849-4 $10 .00 Pósteres: Los descriptores Podemos (Spanish Can Do Descriptors – Posters) 978-1-64101-854-8 $26 .00 978-1-64101-855-5 $26 .00 978-1-64101-856-2 $26 .00 Pósteres - Mini: Los descriptores Podemos (Spanish Can Do Descriptors – Mini Posters) 978-1-64101-861-6 $9 .00 978-1-64101-862-3 $9. 00 978-1-64101-863-0 $9.00 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available. WIDA SPANISH LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (SLD) STANDARDS IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH Spanish Language Development Standards, English 978-1-64101-872-2 $20.00 Spanish Language Development Standards, Spanish 978-1-64101-873-9 $20.00 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available.
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