Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019
SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP 67 GRADES K–5 Children’s Books and Dictionaries K Personajes delMundo Hispánico J Edna Iturralde Ilustraciones deYtziarCoriÁlvarez B o l í v a r Simó n Conoce a G RADE 2 Together we foster lifelong readers Author: E DNA I TURRALDE Illustrator: Y TZIAR C ORI Á LVAREZ L ESSON P LAN AND A CTIVITIES Written in accordance with the Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science Standards 2 ConoceaSimónBolívar A+ Spanish Literacy Lesson Plan© SantillanaUSA C OMPLEXITY F&PGuidedReading LevelO / Lexile Level 800L T EXT T YPE InformationalText: LiteraryNonfiction O BJECTIVES ¨ Identifyand interpretfigurative language. ¨ Determine themeaning ofunknownand multiple-meaningwords. ¨ Identifyauthor’spurpose inwritinga text. ¨ Make inferences. ¨ Interpretaphysicalmap,making inferencesabouthow geography impacted historical events. ¨ Writeaparagraph comparingand contrasting twohistorical,figures. ¨ With guidanceand support strengthen writingby revisingand editing. M ATERIALS ¨ flash cards ¨ 8-1/2”x 11” cardstock, cut inhalf vertically ¨ physicalmap of SouthAmerica,pictures of theAndes ¨ Diagrama deVenn,Generalizar,Resumen, Tabla de dos columnas (GraphicOrganizers#6, #12, #27,and #30)* S UMMARY Thisfictionalizedaccount of SimónBolívar’s crossing of theAndes is told from the viewpoint of Simón Bolívar’shorse, PalomoBlanco,andhisdog,Nevado.Theydescribedetails ofBolívar’s love forhis animalsandhis skill in leadinghis troops ina verydifficult campaign.Thebook includesa glossary andbiographical informationaboutBolívar. * Todownload the SpanishGraphicOrganizers in this lesson go to: S TANDARDS SLARCCSS RI 2.1,RI 2.3,RI2.4,RI 2.5,RI 2.6,RI2.7,RI 2.10,RF 2.3.f,RF 2.4,W 2.2,W 2.2,W 2.5, W2.7,W 2.8, SL 2.1, SL 2.2, SL 2.3, SL 2.6, L 2.1, 2.2, L 2.3, L 2.4, L 2.6 SLARTEKS 2.3.A, 2.3.B, 2.4.A, 2.5.B, 2.10.A,2.11.A, 2.12.A, 2.13.A,2.17.A, 2.17.C, 2.17.D,2.19.A, 2.21.A.i, 2.22.A,2.28.A, 2.29.A, 2.30.A NCSS II.Time,Continuity,andChange; III. People, Places,and Environments; IV. Individuals,Groups, and Institutions Social StudiesTEKS 2.1.A, 2.2.A, 2.2.B, 2.3.A, 2.4.A–C, 2.6.C,2.13.B–C I NSTRUCTIONAL F OCUS : Staircase ofComplexity /ReadingRigor I NSTRUCTIONAL F OCUS : Balancing Informationaland LiteraryText A+ SPANISH LITERACY KITS (GRADES K–5) Grade K 978-1-62263-592-4 $369.00 Grade K 6-Pack 978-1-62263-593-1 $1,629.00 Grade 1 978-1-62263-594-8 $369.00 Grade 1 6-Pack 978-1-62263-595-5 $1,715.95 Grade 2 978-1-62263-596-2 $383.95 Grade 2 6-Pack 978-1-62263-597-9 $1,715.95 Grade 3 978-1-62263-598-6 $378.95 Grade 3 6-Pack 978-1-62263-599-3 $1,704.95 Grade 4 978-1-62263-600-6 $385.95 Grade 4 6-Pack 978-1-62263-601-3 $1,719.95 Grade 5 978-1-62263-602-0 $382.95 Grade 5 6-Pack 978-1-62263-603-7 $1,708.95 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available. ¿Quién manda en los bosques? Interacciones en un ecosistema
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