Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019

SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP NEW This College and Career Readiness Program enhances the linguistic and cultural contents of any Spanish-language program and makes Spanish meaningful to students by making connections to their future areas of work and study. Learn more on page 36. Santillana has partnered with the University of Salamanca Cursos Internacionales to offer U.S. Spanish teachers professional development opportunities from one of the most prestigious universities worldwide for Spanish-language teaching. Learn more on page 37. This Spanish-as-a-heritage-language series is the first of its kind, created specifically for U.S. heritage and native speakers in order to bridge the language gap and promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism. Learn more on pages 32 and 52. High School Spanish as a Heritage Language High School College and Career Readiness Program Online Professional Development Courses – University of Salamanca 5 for 2018 – 2019 Bilingual Biliterate Bicultural