Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019

SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP 71 GRADES K–5 Children’s Books and Dictionaries V OCABULARY The selection says… clavado / dive deslumbrante / blinding encuentro / encounter impulso / impulse, push reiniciará (reiniciar) / restart suspendida(o) / floating torbellino / whirlwind Students may say… salto desde lo alto; zambullida que sorprende; que tiene tanta luz que te hace cerrar los ojos donde (cuando) se juntan personas o cosas fuerza volver a empezar que flota remolino El sueño de una alubia Author: Eduardo Carrera Illustrator: Amanda Mijangos C OMPLEXITY : F&P Guided Reading Level K T EXT T YPE : Literature: Poetry / Narrative Poems / Literary Nonfiction O BJECTIVES : • Read and discuss a narrative poem . • Apply the strategies of Asking Questions and Making Inferences . • Write a how-to text . M ATERIALS : El buscalotodo poético (Graphic Organizer #9)* L ANGUAGE S TANDARDS CCSS SLAR RL. 2.4, RL. 2.5, RF. 2.3, RF. 2.4b,W. 2.2 TEKS SLAR 2.3.A, 2.3.B, 2.3.C, 2.5.B, 2.7.A, 2.10.A, 2.17.B, 2.19.A WIDA 2.1.A.1a, 2.1.A.1b, 2.1.A.1c, 2.1.A.1d, 2.1.A.1e, 2.1.A.1f, 2.1.B.1b, 2.1.B.1c, 2.1.C.1e, 2.1.C.1f, 2.1.B.1c, 2.1.D.1e,2.2.A.1a,2.2.A.1b,2.2.A.1d,2.2.B.1a,2.2.B.1b,2.2.B.1d,2.3.A.1a,2.3.A.1b,2.3.A.1c,2.3.A.1d,2.3.B.1d, 2.3.B.1e, 2.4.A.1a, 2.4.A.1b, 2.4.A.1c, 2.4.A.1d, 2.4.B.1b, 4.B.1c S CIENCE S TANDARDS : NGSS 2-LS2-1, 3-LS1-1 *To download theSpanishGraphicOrganizers,go to Teacher Notes and Activities Written in accordance with the CCSS , TEKS , and WIDA Grade 2 A+ SPANISH SCIENCE LITERACY KITS (GRADES K–5) Grade K 978-1-68292-587-4 $189.99 Grade K 6-Pack 978-1-68292-593-5 $1,075.95 Grade 1 978-1-68292-588-1 $189.99 Grade 1 6-Pack 978-1-68292-594-2 $1,075.95 Grade 2 978-1-68292-589-8 $174.95 Grade 2 6-Pack 978-1-68292-595-9 $1,075.95 Grade 3 978-1-68292-590-4 $189.99 Grade 3 6-Pack 978-1-68292-596-6 $1,075.95 Grade 4 978-1-68292-591-1 $171.95 Grade 4 6-Pack 978-1-68292-597-3 $1,075.95 Grade 5 978-1-68292-592-8 $172.95 Grade 5 6-Pack 978-1-68292-598-0 $1,075.95 • Prices subject to change without notice. • Substitutions will be made when a title is not available.