Pre-K-12 Catalog 2018-2019

SHOP ONLINE I CONTACT YOUR REP 91 GRADES K–6 Children’s Books and Dictionaries 10 INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE “El arte es una mentira que nos acerca a la verdad.” Pablo Picasso (Spanish artist) GAT EWAY S TO ART PLANT THE SEEDS Design a bulletin board that encapsulates the values and key objectives of the Art Series as they are explored throughout the unit. The bulletin board becomes a metaphoric garden where ideas are planted and knowledge and student productivity are harvested. This is a tremendous tool to create an interactive, child-centered environment to launch the theme of the unit. You may want to use the model below as an inspiration for your Art bulletin board. ¿Qué es el arte? Engage students in a discussion about what art is. Ask them whether they like to paint or draw, and what they feel when they are making their paintings or drawings. Discuss the purposes of art, from the artist’s own enjoyment and pleasure, to decoration and social purposes. Invite them to brainstorm types of art other than drawings and paintings and list them on the board. Besides the multiple forms of plastic arts, the list might include architecture, dance, music, theater, and even music. Accept all answers as valid. Explain that art has existed since the first human beings existed. All people in all places and times have created their own forms of art, and have created and recreated beauty through drawings, objects, clothing, buildings, and various utensils. Tell students that the works of art that they are going to view in Azul y verde will provide them with opportunities to learn about different techniques, styles, and subjects used by several important artists of Hispanic origins. This is a new opportunity to get to know people who have enriched the culture of the millions of people who speak Spanish in the world. LAUNCHING THE UNIT ¡Abramos las puertas! Motivate students to create their own reduced version of the bulletin board in which they record notes, sketches, sayings, summaries, citations from the book, elaboration and amplifications that connect the knowledge learned as they look at and examine the works of art presented in the Art series of Puertas al sol . Students may use this “map of learning” as a cover of a portfolio or a personal collection of work and activities developed throughout this unit. Azul y verde - Art series - Lesson Plan THEATER SERIES LANGUAGE SERIES HISPANIC LANDS/CULTURE SERIES Teatro del Gato Garabato Teatrín de Don Crispín Vuelo del quetzal En alas del cóndor Uno, dos, tres. ¡Dime quién es! El nuevo hogar de los siete cabritos Escenario de Polichinela Tablado de Doña Rosita Ojos del jaguar ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Caperucita Roja! Ratoncito Pérez, cartero ALMA FLORADA F. ISABELCAMPOY Downloadable Lesson Plans and Worksheets for each title