SANTILLANA USA - A+ Guided Reading Sample Kit

GUIDED READING LEVEL* (GRL) GRADE A–D K E–J 1 K–M 2 N–P 3 Q–S 4 T–V 5 W–Y 6 SPANISH-LANGUAGE GUIDEDREADING CLASSROOM LIBRARIES *These titles were leveled by Santillana USA Publishing Company, Inc. using the Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Leveling System™ created by professors Irene C. Fountas and Guy Su Pinnell as described in their books Matching Books to Readers: Using Leveled Books in Guided Reading, K–3, and Leveled Books for Readers, Grades 3–6 , published by Heinemann, a division of Reed Elsevier, Inc. Neither Fountas, Pinnell, nor Heinemann are affiliated with, sponsor, or produce this brochure, nor endorse the level assigned by Santillana USA Publishing to these titles. Santillana’s vast list of children’s books is leveled for Guided Reading and now includes Teacher Support resources with Reading Strategies Anchor Charts and a book-strategy matching guide. Guided Reading Library titles are leveled according to the Fountas and Pinnell System.* OVER 500 TITLES PROVIDE A VARIETY OF READING OPPORTUNTIES: • CONCEPT BOOKS • PICTURE BOOKS • CHAPTER BOOKS • SHORT STORIES • CONTENT-AREA READERS • INFORMATIONAL TEXTS • CLASSICS AND MORE!