SANTILLANA USA - Guiding Principles Sampler

11 11 APPENDIX B 7 INTRODUCTION comprehensive in its own right, allowing a program to work with all principles, a select strand, or a group of strands at a time. Similarly, there are a number of core themes that are woven throughout the principles because they are central to the mission and structure of dual language education. These themes include attention to the three core goals (academic achievement, bilingualism and biliteracy, and sociocultural competence), equity, leadership, advocacy, collaboration, and infrastructure. This document concludes with two appendixes. Appendix A includes self-evaluation templates for each principle and key point. Programs are encouraged to print copies of the templates and fill them in on a periodic basis to chart their progress toward full alignment with the principles. The templates have been updated to provide a space to record evidence in support of each rating. Appendix B, Guiding Principles at a Glance, provides a chart listing all of the guiding principles. This may be particularly useful in sharing with stakeholders such as superintendents and other district-level personnel. GDP INSIDE OK-Nov1.indd 7 12/03/18 1:17 p.m.