SANTILLANA USA - SUSA Dual Language Instructional Resources Brochure
Descubre el español (K–5) This elementary K–5 Spanish program makes language learning a cultural adventure as students travel to twenty Spanish-speaking countries and explore the language and cultures! • Culture is the backdrop of the entire series. • Each level has a compelling storyline. Students meet engaging characters, who travel to eight Spanish- speaking countries in each student book. • With the characters, students learn about the local people, places, culture, food, animals, and of course, the language. La cartilla (K–1) This comprehensive phonics program supports Spanish literacy development with phonemic awareness, phonics, and vocabulary development lessons and activities. • Initial sounds and letter formation • Letter recognition and auditory discrimination • Vowel and consonant review • Blending Santillana USA offers a variety of additional resources to support teachers and students. See back cover for full list of instructional solutions or contact your local representative to identify a customized list of materials to meet your program needs all grade levels: . Instructional materials for students in ONE-WAY: ENGLISH STUDENT Programs Fácil de leer / Easy to Read Series (K–2) This delightful dual language series of forty-two literary and informational texts with easy‑to‑read stories is ideal for beginning and struggling readers! Twenty-one titles in English and twenty-one titles in Spanish. Este libropertenecea la colección Otros títulosde lamisma colección: ¿Quéquieres ser? ¡BienvenidosaKindergarten! ¿Qué clase tegustamás? Chistesdeanimales El campoy la ciudad Hogares Aquívivoyo El librode los sentidos Elprimerdíade clase Lasestaciones Nuestropaseoal zoológico Opuestosenel reinoanimal Tepresentoa Jacobo Undía sin tele ElprimerDíadeAccióndeGracias Una fiesta saludable ¡A labúsquedadel tesoro! Insectos Nonecesitoparaguas Estoyorgullosademipasado LadaKratky ¿Qué c o l o r ves? A Recommended Resources: Print resources and eLearning Center online resources
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