SANTILLANA USA - SUSA Dual Language Instructional Resources Brochure

Descubre el español Antologías (K–5) Collection of authentic leveled stories by renowned authors from the Spanish-speaking world includes fiction and nonfiction selections followed by reading comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, spelling, and writing activities. Support resources provide additional phonics, vocabulary, and literacy support. Instructional materials for students in Heritage Speaker Programs Recommended Resources: A+ Spanish Science Literacy Kits (K–5) K–5 Spanish Science Literacy Kits include an array of nonfiction and fiction titles aligned to national language arts and science standards—each with teacher notes and activities designed to help students develop science literacy! • Titles align to themes of Next Generation Science Standards • Teacher notes support instruction with Tier II vocabulary, pre-, during-, and after-reading activities, science connections project, writing activity, and more. • Activities help students develop science literacy with vocabulary and comprehension activities. Galería de lengua y cultura (9–12) This Spanish-as-a-heritage-language series is the first of its kind, created specifically for U.S. heritage and native speakers in order to bridge the language gap and promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism. • Students practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing competencies within authentic cultural and social frameworks of all regions in the Spanish-speaking world. • Students acquire and practice vocabulary and language structures from social studies, science, art, music, and other content areas. Print resources and Smart Center online resources Print resources and eLearning Center online resources Santillana USA offers a variety of additional resources to support teachers and students. See back cover for full list of instructional solutions or contact your local representative to identify a customized list of materials to meet your program needs all grade levels: .