Spanish Works! Sampler

10 Unidad 1 Unidad 2 Unidad 3 Unidad 4 STEM Business & Industry Public Service Arts & Humanities Nivel 1 Science in Everyday Life Hospitality & Tourism Health Science Language & Culture Semestre 1 Our Surroundings Cultural Attractions Nutrition &Well-being Cultural & Language Practices Semestre 2 Our Universe & Environment The Hospitality Industry Health Clinic & Hospital Cultural & Language Products Nivel 2 Civil Engineering Retail & Sustainable Business Public Safety Music Semestre 1 Our Homes & Neighborhoods Shopping Safety in the Home Musical Influences Semestre 2 Transportation Using Resources Wisely Safe Travels Music in Our Community Nivel 3 Environmental Sciences Business Management & Administration Government & Public Administration Art in the Community Semestre 1 The Environment’s Impact on Us Tech Applications in Business Serving the Community Cultural & Arts Events Semestre 2 Our Impact on the Environment Human Resources Careers in Civil Service Art at the Service of the Community Nivel 4 Applied Math in Modern Life Technology & Communications Education & Training Literature & Fine Arts Semestre 1 Problem Solving Communications Educating Our Youth Literature & the Written Word Semestre 2 The Age of Data Marketing & Advertising Education Policy & Laws Visual Arts Spanish Works! Scope and Sequence 10