Spanish Works! Sampler
49 What factors influence diet, and how does diet influence health? Proyecto Comunicación Vocabulario sobre la nutrición Paso 1 Interpretativo Review and interpret the food guide, then complete a chart with examples of foods for each group. Paso 2 Interpretativo Read a text about the food groups and nutrition, and synthesize the information with a Venn diagram. Paso 3 Presentacional Track diet for 7 days in a food journal, and develop a personalized glossary with new vocabulary. Proyecto Culturas y comparaciones Almuerzos hispanos Paso 1 Interpretativo Read two texts about school lunches in various countries. Answer questions about the readings. Paso 2 Interpersonal Create an online poll about peers’ lunch habits and opinions. Paso 3 Presentacional Create a presentation comparing the habits and nutrition of students in Spanish-speaking countries and home country. Proyecto Conexiones Una dieta especial Paso 1 Interpersonal Work with a small group to identify a condition that requires a special diet. Paso 2 Interpretativo Research information about the condition and the dietary requirements for people with that condition. Paso 3 Presentacional Prepare a digital or print presentation with basic information about the condition and its dietary requirements. Proyecto Comunidades La nutrición en mi comunidad Paso 1a Interpersonal Interview a Spanish speaker in the community who helps people with food, diet, or nutrition. Paso 1b Interpersonal Alternatively, volunteer at least three hours at a community food bank or soup kitchen, preferably one that serves a Hispanic community. Paso 2 Presentacional Prepare a radio public service announcement for the community and present it to the class. Proyecto Reflexión final Un correo Paso 1 Interpretativo Read an e-mail from a pen-pal in Chile and take notes. Paso 2 Presentacional Respond to the e-mail in writing, reflecting on the experience of the other four tasks in this module. N I VE L 1 • SEMESTRE 1 N I VE L 1 : HEALTH SC I ENCE Semestre 1: Nutrition & Well-being Nivel 1 • Unidad 3: Public Service • Semestre 1 U3 P U B L I C S E R V I C E 13
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