Spanish Works! Sampler

53 Paso 2 Una encuesta Pregunta y analiza. Create an online poll about students’ lunchtime habits at your school. Follow the guide below. • Include at least 5 questions. Modelo: ¿Compras el almuerzo en la cafetería de la escuela o lo traes de casa? ¿Compras meriendas en la escuela o las traes de casa? • Use a poll- or survey-creating website, such as PollEverywhere. • Get answers from at least 10 classmates. • Analyze the answers. Plan your questions. Use the examples above to help you. Escribe. Write a short summary of the results of your poll. En mi escuela, estudiantes compran… Paso 3 Una comparación Escribe y presenta. Using your findings from the previous two steps, compare lunchtime habits in your community with those in Spanish-speaking countries. Consider nutrition, time of day, and any other aspects you find important. • Present your comparison in an oral presentation with visuals. • In your conclusion, be sure to include recommendations based on your observations and healthy food choices. • You can use a graphic organizer to plan your presentation. Diferencias Semejanzas Conclusiones Diferencias Nivel 1 • Unidad 3: Public Service • Semestre 1 • Proyecto 2 17