Spanish Works! Sampler
57 Proyecto Comunicación En la consulta médica Paso 1 Interpretativo Read some information and statistics about wellness checkups and answer true/false questions. Paso 2 Interpersonal List questions a health practitioner would ask during a wellness checkup. Exchange the questions with a classmate and answer them based on information from Paso 1. Paso 3 Presentacional Create a social media post about the importance of annual wellness checkups. Proyecto Culturas y comparaciones Remedios tradicionales Paso 1 Interpretativo Read a description of traditional remedies from the Hispanic world and answer comprehension questions. Paso 2 Interpretativo Research what healthcare providers in the U.S. usually recommend for the ailments from Paso 1. Paso 3 Presentacional Create an infographic comparing the remedies from Paso 1 with the medical recommendations from Paso 2. Ask classmates for their opinion about each approach. Proyecto Conexiones Una condición de salud Paso 1 Interpersonal Talk about health conditions to discover prior knowledge and select one for further study. Paso 2 Interpretativo Research the selected health condition. Paso 3 Presentacional Create a short oral presentation (with visuals, if possible) to inform peers about the selected health condition. Proyecto Comunidades Asistencia médica en mi comunidad Paso 1a Interpersonal Research community health organizations, in particular those dedicated to Spanish speakers. Interview at least one person connected to one of the organizations. Paso 1b Interpersonal Alternatively, volunteer at least three hours with a community healthcare organization, preferably one that serves a Hispanic community. Paso 2 Presentacional Create a poster for the Spanish-language community listing some preventive health services available in the community. Proyecto Reflexión final Una lista de consejos Paso 1 Presentacional Create an informative brochure with recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and information for healthcare services in your community. Paso 2 Interpersonal In a small group, talk about the recommendations and services, and offer solutions for both individuals and the community. How do people within and outside my community care for their health? N I VE L 1 • SEMESTRE 2 N I VE L 1 : HEALTH SC I ENCE Semestre 2: Health Clinic and Hospital U3 P U B L I C S E R V I C E Nivel 1 • Unidad 3: Public Service • Semestre 2 21
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