Spanish Works! Sampler

57 Proyecto Comunicación Viajes al exterior Paso 1 Interpretativo Read a list of security tips for passengers traveling out of Benito Juárez Airport in Mexico City and think of some of the consequences of not heeding this advice. Paso 2 Interpretativo Research security tips at an American airport and develop a list combining the most useful tips. Paso 3 Presentacional Present the list in small groups and create a poster. Proyecto Culturas y comparaciones Seguridad en la carretera Paso 1 Interpretativo Read some information about road trips and driving habits in Spain, and complete a table. Paso 2 Interpersonal Create a poll about driving habits on road trips. Paso 3 Presentacional Compare and contrast Spaniards’ and students’ driving habits, and present the information in a graphic organizer. Proyecto Conexiones Emergencias en los viajes Paso 1 Interpretativo Look at a headline about how a volcano has affected travel and read a tweet from a stranded traveler. Research some weather conditions and natural disasters that can affect travel. Paso 2 Interpersonal With a classmate, brainstorm safety measures for travelers. Paso 3 Presentacional Organize an emergency preparedness session for future travelers. Proyecto Comunidades La seguridad es lo primero Paso 1 Interpretativo Identify and research an organization that promotes teenage road safety. Paso 2a Interpersonal Volunteer with a public safety organization or campaign, especially in a Spanish-speaking area of the community. Paso 2b Interpersonal Alternatively, access Spanish-language road safety materials and share the information in your community. Paso 3 Presentacional Summarize the experience and share the information and materials with classmates. Proyecto Reflexión final Una guía para visitantes Paso 1 Interpersonal Read some tips on traveling safely in Bogotá. Paso 2 Presentacional Create a brochure for Spanish-speaking visitors with information about safety and travel to your city. How do we travel safely? N I VE L 2 • SEMESTRE 2 N I VE L 2 : PUBL I C SAFETY Semestre 2: Safe Travels U3 P U B L I C S E R V I C E Nivel 2 • Unidad 3: Public Service • Semestre 2 39