Spanish Works! Sampler
• Builds college and career readiness • Supports differentiated instruction • Makes cross-curricular connections • Provides opportunities for Integrated Performance Assessment • Enhances and enriches the Español Santillana experience Four-level component includes 160 projects aligned to the Español Santillana program covering Communication, Cultures, Comparisons, Connections, Communities, and a Final Reflection, plus evaluation rubrics and suggestions for implementation! Blackline Masters can be used for independent study, individual portfolio development, differentiated instruction, or whole-group practice and enrichment. Topics ranging from nutrition to music, civil engineering to human resources … and all while developing Spanish language proficiency and cultural competence! Take your Spanish instruction to the next level as students see their language and cultural skills employed in their area of interest! See the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures at work in your community and across the curriculum! Spanish Works! 9 781682 925478 ISBN 978-1-68292-547-8
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