SANTILLANA USA - Galeria Brochure

What is Heritage Language? Students who have a heritage language are those who speak a language other than English at home. For many, English is their dominant language. They can communicate orally with greater ease than their classmates learning Spanish for the first time, but they lack the ability to write or use academic language at the same level of proficiency as they can speak the language. Galería aims to bridge that gap! This Spanish-as-a-heritage-language series is the first of its kind, created specifically for U.S. heritage and native speakers in order to bridge the language gap and promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and biculturalism. Students practice listening, reading, speaking, and writing competencies within authentic cultural and social frameworks of all regions in the Spanish-speaking world. Students acquire and practice academic vocabulary and language structures from social studies, science, art, music, and other content areas. Students become bilingual, biliterate, and bicultural.