SANTILLANA USA - Galeria Whitepaper
but they also serve as practice and review, because everything relates to the region, themes, vocabulary, and standards. Galería de lengua y cultura is a Spanish heritage language program with rich content that integrates academic language and culture through authentic literature and informational texts that explore and connect to science, math, social studies, arts, and music. Students are constantly learning and practicing the skills of reading, grammar, vocabulary, References Artiles, A. & Ortiz, A. (Eds.). (2002) English language learners with special education needs: Identification, assessment, and instruction . Washington, D.C.: Center for Applied Linguistics. Brame, C. (2016) Active learning . Retrieved from Vanderbilt Uni- versity Center for Teaching and Learning website: https://cft. Bowen, R. (2017) Understanding by design (CFT guide). Retrieved from Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching and Learning website: by-design/. Menzie, J. (2015) Creating a Curriculum for Heritage Language Learners of Spanish (Master’s Thesis). Retrieved from the College at Brockport Digital Commons website: cgi?article=1620&context=ehd_theses. Nieves, A. (n.d.) The Impact of the Spanish for Fluent Speakers Curriculum on the Attitudes, Motivation, Self-esteem, Language Skills and Academic Future of Latino Students . Retrieved from the Northern Arizona University website at: download/83/90. Rhodes, N. & Pufahl, I. (2014) An overview of Spanish teaching in U.S. schools: national survey results. Informes del Observatorio/Observatorio Reports , 002-6/2014SP. doi: 10.15427/OR002/6/2014. Retrieved from http:// files/002_informes_nr_spteaching.pdf. Ruz Gonzalez, M. & Ciriz-Houtchens, B. (2014) English language arts/English language development framework for California public schools: support for primary language and dual language programs- a summary . Retrieved from the CA Dept. of Education Dual Immersion Programs-Curriculum Frameworks website at: searchresults.asp?cx=001779225245372747843: gpfwm5rhxiw&output=xml_no_dtd&filter=1&num= 20&start=0&q=wide%20range%20of%20competencies. Teaching English and language arts. (2018) Retrieved from What is interactive lecture? (May 7, 2018) Retrieved from the Carlton University Starting Point website: https://serc.carleton . edu/introgeo/interactive/whatis.html Why is language arts so important? (July 10, 2017) Retrieved from important/. WIDA. (2014) Spanish language development (SLD) standards . Retrieved from Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (2005) Understanding by Design (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. U.S. Census Bureau. (2018) 2016 American community survey 1-year estimates . American Fact Finder: School Enrollment by Detailed Level of School for the Population 3 Years and Over (Hispanic or Latino) . Retrieved July 10, 2018 from pages/productview.xhtml?pid=ACS_16_1YR_B14007I& prodType=table. orthography, writing, and oral presentations. All these concepts are presented in depth and in the context of authentic reading passages accompanied by engaging and accessible activities, so that students simultaneously read and learn about the richness of the Spanish and Spanish American culture. M1810975
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