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Patricia E. Acosta
Ilustraciones de Nívea Ortiz Montañez
Cuando sea grande…
¡quiero ser alcaldesa!
¡Estoy lista para ayudar!
Sofía Irene Cardona
Ilustraciones de Ruddy Núñez
Cuando sea grande…
¡quiero ser ebanista!
La maderita feliz
Patricia E. Acosta
Ilustraciones de Adriana Canizo
Cuando sea grande…
¡quiero ser escritora!
¡A pensar en musarañas!
Y otros consejos de mi tía la escritora
Aravind Enrique Adyanthaya
Ilustraciones de Adriana Canizo
Cuando sea grande…
¡quiero ser matemático!
El X-mático
Español Yabisí offers students multiple opportunities for
additional literacy skills practice. Reading Enrichment
components promote reading comprehension and foster
a love for reading in Spanish!
Practice Book
Follows the student book’s chapter themes and sections, and provides
additional practice opportunities in handwriting, phonics, vocabulary,
grammar, spelling, writing process, and critical thinking.
Reading Enrichment
Complementary readings in Español Yabisí provide additional
multicultural reading selections representing a variety
of Hispanic American authors:
• In level K, a Reading Anthology provides students with
additional readings.
• In levels K-6, four engaging readers with full-color
Illustrations provide students with a non-fiction selection,
followed by a theme-related fiction reader.
The digital
practice book is
ideal for whole
group instruction
on interactive
Covers all
literary genres,
from fairytales
to myths, novels
to theatre, and
even poetry!