I nstructIonal s hIft : Balancing Informationaland LiteraryText I nstructIonal s hIft : Staircase ofComplexity C omplexiTy F&PGuidedReading LevelD / Lexile Level 360L T exT T ype InformationalText: Social Studies o bjeCTiVes Æ Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. Æ Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences relate to each other and the whole. Æ Distinguish between information provided by illustrations and information provided by the words in a text. Æ Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. Æ Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print. Æ Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words, both in isolation and in text. Æ Divide two-syllable words into the syllables that make up the word. Æ Use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. Æ Recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources. Æ Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions. Æ Describe people, places, things, and events with relevant details, expressing ideas and feelings clearly. Æ Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard Spanish grammar usage when writing or speaking. Together we foster lifelong readers El campo y la ciudad Author: A my W hite Illustrator: h éctor c uencA Translation/Adaptation: L AdA J. K rAtKy G rAde 1 Lesson Plan and Activities CCSSGrade 1Book_v3.indb 59 5/03/14 12:43 I nstructIonal s hIft : Academic Vocabulary V oCabulary m aTerials Æ writing paper, pencils, crayons, construction paper Æ notecards and sentence strips Æ magazines and newspapers (for cutting out images) Æ Diagrama de Venn (Graphic Organizer #6)* s ummary Life in the city and life in the countryside are very different. The way you wake up in the morning, the way you go to school, and what you eat are not always the same. But even people who live in different kinds of places can have something in common. s Tandards CCSS RI 1.1, RI 1.2, RI 1.3, RI 1.5, RI 1.6, RI 1.7, RI 1.10, RF 1.1, RF 1.2.e, RF 1.3.b, RF 1.3.e, RF 1.3.i–j, RF 1.4, W 1.2, W 1.6, W 1.8, SL 1.1, SL 1.2, SL 1.3, SL 1.4, SL 1.5, SL 1.6, L 1.1, L 1.2, L 1.6 SLAR TEKS 1.1.E, 1.1.F, 1.3.D, 1.3.E, 1.3.I–J, 1.4.B, 1.4.C, 1.5.A, 1.6.C, 1.6.E, 1.17.D, 1.17.E, 1.20.A.v, 1.22.A, 1.22.G, 1.27.A, 1.29.A NCSS III. People, Places, and Environments camino (caminar) – ir de un lugar a otro dando pasos / to walk desayuno – primera comida del día / breakfast gallina – hembra del gallo / hen me despierta (despertarse) – dejar de dormir / to wake up nadar – mover el cuerpo, los brazos y piernas para mantenerse y avanzar en el agua / to swim pececito – pez pequeñito / small fish reloj – instrumento que mide el tiempo y da la hora / clock también – sirve para afirmar que hace o tiene lo mismo que la otra persona / also vivo (vivir) – habitar en un lugar / to dwell Advanced Vocabulary apartamento – vivienda pequeña en un edificio / apartment autobús – vehículo que transporta personas / bus campo – terreno extenso alejado de una ciudad / country; countryside cine – local para ver películas / movie theater ciudad – población grande con edificios, calles y medios de transporte / city granja – casa de campo con cultivos y animales / farm nos parecemos (parecerse) – tener cosas en común / to be alike tarea – trabajo que da el maestro para que el alumno haga en casa / homework 60 El campo y la ciudad * To download the Spanish Graphic Organizers in this lesson go to: CCSSGrade 1Book_v3.indb 60 5/03/14 12:43 Lessons are designed to help prepare students for the complexity of college and career texts, as they progress through each grade-level library kit. Each book serves as the core text around which instruction is centered. Lessons aid teachers, providing necessary scaffolding and support in order to guide students who are reading below grade level to develop the skills needed to understand the selection. Type of Text I nstructional F ocus : Reading Rigor Each grade-level literacy kit includes lesson plans and activities for each book. Lesson Walk-Through Lessons aligned to National and State Standards