SANTILLANA USA - A+ Science Brochure

Literature / Informational Text Book Title NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) BASE FOR ESSENTIAL QUESTION GRL Informational Text Alimentos producidos por el Sol Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics U Informational Text El abecé visual de bosques, selvas, montañas y desiertos From Molecules to Organisms: Structures and Processes; Earth and Human Activity V Informational Text El abecé visual de mares, océanos, lagos y ríos Earth's Systems; Earth and Human Activity V Informational Text Enciende la luz: Cómo funciona la electricidad Energy; Earth and Human Activity V Informational Text La rotación y la traslación Earth's Place in The Universe O Informational Text Más allá del átomo Matter and Its Interactions; Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions; Energy; Earth and Human Activity X Informational Text Mi mamá es astronauta: El oficio de explorar el espacio Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions; Earth and Human Activity P Literature Moldavita. Un visitante amigable Matter and Its Interactions; Motion and Stability: Forces and Interactions U Informational Text Putrefacción y descomposición Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, and Dynamics V Informational Text ¿Y si...? Una increíble forma de percibir la realidad Matter and Its Interactions; Earth's Place in The Universe; Earth's Systems U G R A D E 5