SANTILLANA USA - A+ Science Brochure

E T el c s G S in • • ¡Viva la tortuga! Author: Georgina Lázaro León Illustrator: Walter Torres PR • H u ¿ • A c la • R e d • In w le e e si c p V ej s RE Rea stud as th the atte las t the c gr s (l • A p si • A p COMPLEXITY: F&P Guided Reading Level M TEXT TYPE: Informational Text & Literature: Literary Nonfiction / Narrative Poems / Science OBJECTIVES: • Read and discuss a narrative poem . • Apply the strategies of Sequence and Asking Questions . • Write a short narrative text . MATERIALS: El buscalotodo poético 2 (Graphic Organizer #37)* LANGUAGE STANDARDS CCSS SLAR RL. 1.1, RL. 1.2, RL. 1.4, RL.1.7, RL 1.10, W. 1.3 TEKS SLAR 1.2.A, 1.4.B, 1.4.C, 1.5.A, 1.8.A, 1.11.A, 1.14.B, 1.14.C, 1.18.A, 1.26.A, 128.12.E WIDA 1.1.A.1g, 1.1.C.1a, 1.D.1e, 1.2.A.1d SCIENCE STANDARDS: NGSS 1-LS1-2, 1-LS3-1 VOCABULARY * To download the Spanish Graphic Organizers, go to Students may say… grupo de corales suerte, que ocurre por casualidad tormenta como el huracán, remolino movimiento del agua estrella brillante alga marina The selection says… arrecife / reef azar / fate, chance ciclón / cyclone corriente(s) / currents lucero / star lustroso / shiny sargazo(s) / sargasso, gulfweed Introduce the Tier Two vocabulary words listed above: • Provide a description, explanation, or example of all the words presented in the vocabulary section. Ask students if they have used the vocabulary words before, and if so, how. For example, ¿Alguna vez han visto un lucero? ¿Qué otra palabra usamos para referirnos a los luceros? (estrellas) . Encourage them to notice that some of these words are new ways of naming known things. Then, ask them which words they would use with each of the new vocabulary words. For example: ¿Qué palabra usarían con lustroso? ¿Por qué? • Ask students to think about a setting that could be described using the new vocabulary words. Have them describe it using as many of the words as they Teacher Notes and Activities Written in accordance with the CCSS , TEKS , and WIDA Beginning of lesson presents a quick overview of each title and the literaCy focus of the lesson. LESSONS ALIGn TO NATIONAL LANGUAGE ARTS STANDARDS AND THE NATIONAL SCIENCE STANDARDS. Vocabulary section focuses on development of Tier TWO Vocabulary, high utility words found across a variety of domains, with activities designed to help students increase academic vocabulary. each grade level A+ Science Literacy kit includes down- loadable Teacher Notes and Activities FOR EVERY TITLE designed to help students develop science literacy. TEACHER SUPPORT