SANTILLANA USA - A+ Science Brochure

2 ¡Viva la tortuga! A+ Spanish Science Literacy © Santillana USA 5. ¿Qué partes del poema se refieren a alguno de los cinco sentidos? (Which parts of the poem refer to the five senses?) (e.g., vista: lucero plateado; oído: música suave; tacto: el Sol calienta el nido ). POST–READING Write the words Huevos en la arena , tortuguitas en el mar on the board, next to the essential question. Ask students to explain how turtles reproduce, where they lay their eggs, what they do after they lay their eggs, and how baby turtles survive and grow after they hatch. Have them describe the sequence of important moments in the life of the turtle, from the moment it hatches, to when it lays the eggs. Then, encourage them to think about the effect of the use of language in the poem. El poema contiene palabras que riman, ejemplos de personificación, símiles e imágenes que se refieren a nuestros sentidos. ¿Eso les hace más fácil o más difícil imaginarse el mundo de la tortuga? ¿Por qué? Have students share and compare their answers on El buscalotodo poético 2 (Graphic Organizer #37). Make sure students use the Tier Two words presented from the text. Write some of their answers on the board. Make sure they clearly understand what personification and similes are and their effect in a descriptive text or narrative poem. Also, check that they can properly identify images that refer to the five senses and the sequence of events in the poem. SCIENCE CONNECTION Padres e hijos Materials: • poster board (1 per team) • crayons or colored pencils Divide the class into small teams. Before beginning the activity, each team should write their own answer to the following questions: ¿Qué animales cuidan más a sus bebés? ¿Qué bebés se enfrentan a más dificultades cuando acaban de nacer? After they have written down their predictions, each team will do online research about 5 species of animals that are born from an egg, like the turtle, and 5 species that are born by live birth.They will read and observe pictures of parents and their offspring for each species, and gather basic information about them. Then, they will determine whether the answers they wrote down were correct. If they were not, they will write down the correct answer. Finally, they will create a poster board with pictures to present how adults from different species take care of their offspring, and how newborn animals overcome difficulties in the earliest moments of their lives. WRITING El viaje de la tortuga Remind students of the essential question: ¿Qué importancia tiene el comporta­ miento de los animales en la supervivencia de sus crías? Tell them they are going to create a short narrative piece of writing about the life of a turtle. Ask students to write a short story about the life of a turtle from birth to the moment when it lays eggs. Remind them to give the main character a name, and to give their story an engaging title. Encourage them to use their Tier Two words and to draw three images: one that refers to the five senses, one to personification, and one to a simile. You may want to provide them with transition words and phrases, such as primero, luego, unos años más tarde , and finalmente . topic. Ahora vamos a leer un texto informativo sobre las tortugas .Tell them to ask themselves questions to better understand both texts. ¿Qué preguntas vienen a su mente mientras leo este libro? ¿Creen que la segunda parte les ayuda a comprender mejor el poema que leímos primero? Reading Strategy: Secuencia (Sequence) Help students ask themselves questions using the following prompts: • ¿Cómo comienza la historia, con el nacimiento de la tortuga o cuando la tortuga ya es grande? (Does the story begin with the turtle’s birth or when it is already grown?) • Mientras escuchan, ¿qué palabras pueden identificar que indican que ha pasado tiempo? ¿Pueden darse cuenta en qué momento el poema narra que se pasa de un hecho al otro? Expliquen su respuesta. (As you listen, what words can you identify that indicate that time has passed? Can you identify when the poem narrates the change from one event to another? Explain your answer.) • ¿Cuáles son los momentos más importantes en la vida de la tortuga? ¿Cuál ocurre primero? ¿Y a continuación? (Which are the most important moments in a turtle's life? Which one happens first? And what happens next?) • ¿Cómo continuará la historia de la tortuga bebé después de que crezca? ¿Hay alguna parte de la historia de la vida de la tortuga bebé que se parezca a la historia de la tortuga madre? ¿Cuál? (How will the baby turtle's story continue after she grows up? Is there any part of the baby turtle's story that resembles the story of her mother? Which part?) Divide the class into small groups. Have students take turns reading the poem within their groups, dividing the book into sections (see below): Section 1: pp. 6−11: La tortuga conoce a su pareja y luego, sola, nada hasta la orilla Section 2: pp. 12−15: Pone sus huevos, los entierra y se aleja Section 3: pp. 16−25: Las tortuguitas nacen y crecen en el mar Section 4: pp. 26−31: Así es la vida de las tortugas As they read each section, students should stop to share their questions and take notes. Each team should complete El buscalotodo poético 2 (Graphic Organizer #37). Hemos hablado de los momentos importantes en la vida de la tortuga y cómo esta crece y se reproduce. Ahora vamos a completar este organizador gráfico para asegurarnos de que hemos entendido la historia y cómo se usan la rima y el lenguaje figurado en ella . If time allows, you can use the following questions to help students complete the graphic organizer. 1. ¿Cómo resumirían la historia del poema en tres o cuatro etapas? (How would you summarize the poem's story in three or four stages?) 2. ¿Cuáles son algunos ejemplos de palabras que riman en el poema? (What are some examples of rhyming words in the poem?) (e.g., tortuga/arrugas, canción/ciclón, pareja/aleja, silencio/comienzo ). 3. ¿Hay ejemplos de personificación en el poema? ¿Cuáles? ¿Por qué son ejemplos de personificación? (Are there any examples of personification in the poem? Which ones? Why are they examples of personification?) (e.g. , el mar ya está dormido, los delfines les cantan. Son ejemplos de personificación porque el mar y los delfines hacen actividades propias de los seres humanos ). 4. ¿Pueden encontrar un símil en el poema? ¿Cuál es? ¿Por qué es un símil? (Can you find a simile in the poem? Which one? Why is this a simile?) (e.g., parecen mariposas que no pueden volar; Es un símil porque compara las tortuguitas con mariposas ). Lessons make Science Connections THAT encourage students to apply what they’ve learned through projects and experiments. Writing activities encourage students to write in response to the ideas and facts presented in the READING SELECTION. Students are encouraged to apply the writing process in different writing formats. Teacher Notes include vocabulary development activities to help students apply the new vocabulary and help teachers gauge student understanding.