SANTILLANA USA - Anthology Sampler
7 aa 3 Lectura The literature selections in the Antologías are authentic pieces that cover a variety of themes and genres culturally relevant to the country that is studied in each unit. They include informational and expository texts, biographies, poetry, and fiction. The use of appropriate reading strategies is essential for the development of reading skills. Reading strategies are designed to help students better understand the reading selections before, during, and after they read. Some useful strategies, for example, are Echo Reading, Retelling, and Summarizing. “Echo Reading” is an easy-to-use strategy that helps students learn fluency, expression, and reading at an appropriate rate. “Retelling” helps students to tell the story using their own words, and “Summarizing” helps them to identify the main ideas of the story. A detailed list of reading comprehension skills and strategies can be found on pages 4–5. Comprendo lo que leí This one-page section has a series of comprehension questions designed to measure how well students understand the selection. In addition, each series has one critical thinking question to help students to reflect on the selection and engage in independent, higher-order thinking skills. The use of reading comprehension skills and strategies is recommended to help students to better understand the selection before answering the comprehension questions. The Annotated Edition comes with an answer key for this section. Así se dice This one-page section focuses on phonics, words with variable spelling forms ( ortografía dudosa ), and vocabulary development. Helpful grammar definitions are provided followed by activities. The phonics activities help students to understand the relationship between letters and sounds. The variable spelling activities give students an opportunity to practice sounds that are similar or identical in Spanish but have different spelling forms and meaning, such as casa , caza . The vocabulary development activities help students to understand new vocabulary and use it when reading and writing. The Annotated Edition comes with an answer key for this section. Así se escribe The focus of this section is grammar and spelling. Helpful grammar definitions are provided followed by activities. These activities help students to understand the function and application of grammatical and spelling conventions in appropriate grade- level contexts. The Annotated Edition comes with an answer key for this section. A escribir The writing activity encourages students to think, evaluate, and write about the selection they just read. It can focus on the selection, a part of the selection, or expand upon the selection. The activity also gives students an opportunity to practice using the grammar and spelling functions they have just learned in that unit. The Annotated Edition includes teacher/parent prompts to further enhance the writing experience. All activities in the Antología must be written on a separate notebook or sheet of paper. Program Overview
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