SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

Student Book Level Opener Provides a glimpse of some of the countries and landmarks the characters will visit and discover. Introduces the characters for this level. Unit Opener 10 UnitObjectives By the end of this unit, studentswill be able to • greet and say goodbye by imagining that they visitMéxico andmeet children their own age. • name familymembers by studying a family tree and completing one for their own family. • introduce themselves to new friends by imagining different scenarios and engaging in a dialoguewith their classmates. • describe themselves,places,people, and things by using adjectives in conversations and inwriting. Discuss theBig Idea • In this unit, students learn about the country ofMéxico, and how people in the Spanish- speakingworld greet and say goodbye to each other. Students also learn the names for familymembers,how they interact with each other andwith friends, and how places,people, and things are described. • Display amap ofNorthAmerica or have students look at themap in their books. Help them identifyMéxico and explain that it is a country that borders theUnited States to the south.Have volunteers sharewhat they know aboutMéxico. • Point out thatMéxico is one ofmany countrieswhere Spanish is spoken.Tell students that theywill learn about seven other Spanish-speaking countries in other units of this book. • Explain to students that by their learning Spanish, theywill be able to speak to about 330millionmore people in theworld! Preview theUnit PRODUCTSANDPERSPECTIVES Saludos y despedidas Point to the top image on page 10 and tell students that this is El Zócalo—themain plaza, or square, in the downtown area ofMéxico’s capital city.Discuss the image with students.Then have them go back to themap and point out the capital city: México,D.F. (Mexico City).Explain that this iswhere the characters in the story willmeet theirMexican friends. Big Idea Nos conocemos Unit Nos conocemos U n i d a d 1 11 La familia Point to the bottom image on page 10.Tell students that it shows a rural home in México.Discuss the imagewith students.Explain that this iswhere the characters’ new friends and their familymembers live. Los amigos Point to the top image on page 11 and explain that it shows part of Chapultepec Park, a famous park in theMexican capital and a popular tourist destination.You may ask students to go back to themap and have them point to the capital city again.Tell students that the characters and their friendswill visit this park and meet other friends. ¿Cómo somos? Point to the bottom image on page 11 and tell students that it shows a view of Cancún, a popular beach city inMéxico.Have students go back to themap and point out Cancún for them.Explain that thisweek theywill learn how to describe Cancún aswell as other places and people. EssentialQuestions Youmay pose the following essential questions at the beginning of each week.Explain to students that theywill be able to answer them at the end of eachweek. Week 1 ¿Cómonos saludamos ynos despedimos en español? How do we greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish? Week 2 ¿Quiénes son losmiembrosde una familia? What are the names for familymembers? Week 3 ¿Cómo se presentan losamigos? How do friends introduce each other? Week 4 ¿Cómo sonalgunos lugares, personas y cosas? What do some places,people, and things look like? México Descubre Voy a aprender sobre… Shows an overview of all week opener images with ideas for brief activities. Describes unit objectives. Introduces and discusses the unit’s Big Idea. Presents Essential Questions for each week. Ancillaries Provides an outline of the key vocabulary , language functions, and main activities for each week and day. Unit 12A :HHN ‡ 6DOXGRV \ GHVSHGLGDV Day 1 (pages12–13) Language Functions Studentswill • learn and practice different forms of greetings and goodbyes. • identify themselves and others in Spanish. • recognize the sequence of events in a text. Vocabulary EssentialQuestion ¿Cómonos saludamos ynosdespedimos en español? How dowe greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish? ActivatePriorKnowledge FrontloadVocabulary BuildBackground Language inContext Predict Listening and speaking activities to elicit ideas and Spanish vocabulary tomake predictions. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Day 2 (pages14–15) Read 0EW TMVkQMHIW Warm-up EchoRead MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* PracticeandApply Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Extension Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. Day 3 (pages16–17) CheckComprehension MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* ScaffoldandApply Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Extension Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. Day 4 (pages18–19) ExploreCultures MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* ReviewandApply InformalAssessment CulminatingActivities WritingProcess Planifica Álbum de recuerdos Extension Multiple Intelligences* DescubreOnline Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. niño/niña señor/señora/ señorita pirámide cierto ≠ falso gracias adiós buenos días buenas tardes buenas noches ¿cómo estás? hasta luego hola nos vemos ¿qué tal? yo soy… Big Idea Nos conocemos *Differentiated Instruction, includingAccessing Critical-Thinking Skills activities and activities for heritage speakers. 12B Unit Planner :HHN ‡ /D IDPLOLD Day5 (pages20–21) Language Functions Studentswill • learn the names of familymembers. • introduce familymembers. • recognize vowels and vowel sounds. Vocabulary EssentialQuestion ¿Quiénes son losmiembros deuna familia? What are the names of family members? ActivatePriorKnowledge FrontloadVocabulary BuildBackground Language inContext Predict Listening and speaking activities to elicit ideas and Spanish vocabulary tomake predictions. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Day6 (pages22–23) Read 1M ¿IWXE HI GYQTPIEzSW Warm-up EchoRead MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* PracticeandApply Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Close Confirm-predictions activity and interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Extension Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. Day7 (pages24–25) CheckPronunciation MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* ScaffoldandApply Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure toDay. Extension Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. Day8 (pages26–27) ExploreConnections MultipleAccess Strategies* Meeting IndividualNeeds* ReviewandApply InformalAssessment CulminatingActivities WritingProcess Escribe Álbum de recuerdos Extension Multiple Intelligences* DescubreOnline Writing activity involving Cuadernode práctica. abuelo/abuela hermano/hermana papá/mamá cumpleaños familia fiesta pastel perro es prepara,preparan *Differentiated Instruction, includingAccessing Critical-Thinking Skills activities and activities for heritage speakers. Shows day-by-day organization, with each of sixteen days providing a detailed description of sections and activities. Conoce a Anna y a Charlie ElYunque,PuertoRico Ellos descubren osas c nuevas en da ca país. Anna y Charlie visitan diferentes países. AbanicosdeEspaña Antigua,Guatemala Anna y Charlie coleccionan mapas y fotos. Ayuda a Anna y a Charlie a completar su colección de mapas y fotos. 6 Guide to the Guide