SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

Presents objectives for the week in the form of language functions . Introduces vocabulary for the unit, which includes highlighted student book vocabulary plus additional, relevant vocabulary for the week. Includes Essential Question for the week with suggested activity. Provides predicting activities to elicit ideas and vocabulary to be revisited later. Suggests activities to bring closure to day . Week Opener Day 1 12 | Unit1 Language Functions Studentswill • learn and practice different forms of greetings and goodbyes in Spanish. • identify themselves and others in Spanish. • recognize the sequence of events in a text. Vocabulary ActivatePriorKnowledge INTERPERSONAL FrontloadVocabulary • Ask students how they greet and say goodbye in English. Explain that in Spanish you say “hi”or “hello”by saying hola . Say hola to a student.Thenwave and say adiós to him or her. Have the student say hola and adiós back to you.Repeat with a fewmore students. • Then have students start this process: one student says hola to the student on his or her right, and then says adiós to that student,who turns to the next student and says hola and then adiós to him or her.Continue until all students have participated. niño/niña señor/señora/ señorita pirámide cierto ≠ falso gracias adiós buenos días buenas tardes buenas noches ¿cómo estás? hasta luego hola nos vemos ¿qué tal? yo soy… EssentialQuestion ¿Cómonos saludamos ynosdespedimos en español? How dowe greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish? Write the question on the board, or create a sentence strip and place it in a sentence strip chart or attach it to the wall.Read the question and have students repeat it after you.Have volunteers try to answer the question.Explain to students that by the end of the firstweek of study, theywill be able to greet and say goodbye to each other in Spanish. BuildBackground PRODUCTSANDPERSPECTIVES • Explain to students that throughout this book theywill learn aboutAnna and her brother Charlie, two children from the United States,whowill visitMéxico and seven other Spanish- speaking countries. • Direct students’ attention to theweek opener image on student book pages 12–13.Then explain thatmost cities in Spanish-speaking countries have amain square, or plaza central , in the downtown area.Tell students that the name of this plaza is El Zócalo.Ask students if they have ever been to or seen similar plazas. Saludos y despedidas México • Week DAY 1 ¡Buenosdías! Yo soyCharlie. Yo soyTomás. ¡Hola! Yo soyAnna. Nos conocemos | 13 Predict INTERPRETIVE • Explain to students that theywill read two dialogues.Have them turn to page 14 and quickly scan the illustrations.Then ask themwhat they think the dialogues are about, according towhat they see.Elicit ideas by referring students to this unit’sBig Idea.Write students’ ideas on the board and do not erase them until you confirm predictions after the reading. • Have students again saywho the characters on pages 12–13 are.Ask themwhere they thinkTomás is from.Elicit that he might be fromMéxico.Have students discusswhether they thinkTomáswill be in the dialogues or not. Standards National Communication: 1.1–1.3 Cultures: 2.1 Connections: 3.1 Close INTERPRETIVE TotalPhysicalResponse Have students build a Character Poster using poster board, adhesive tape, and the Character Cutouts.Then ask students to pick up a particular character and tape it to the poster.Model as necessary. TomaaAnna.Ponla en el cartel. TakeAnna. Place her on the poster. TomaaCharlie.Ponlo en el cartel. Take Charlie. Place him on the poster. Language inContext • Read the dialogue on page 12 to students as they follow along.Then have students chorally repeat the dialogue after you.Youmaywish to have them close their books and repeat the dialogue after you two or three times before they open their books again as you have them repeat one more time. Role-Play Have volunteers form groups of two or four to role-play the dialogue. • Read aloud the introductions on page 13, except for the incomplete one.Have volunteers read the introductions aloud again.Then point to yourself and say: Yo soy el señor/la señora/la señorita _____ [your name]. I’mMr./Mrs./Ms. _____. • Next,have students look at the incomplete introduction on page 13 and repeat the pattern, Yo soy _____,filling in their name.Have all students in the class introduce themselves individually. Day 1 =S WS] Yo soyAnna. Yo soyTomás. Yo soyCharlie. Activates students’ prior knowledge by frontloading vocabulary, building background, and providing language- in-context activities. Lists appropriate standards that will be covered throughout the week. 7 Each of the eight units is divided into four weeks of study. Even though each “week” is composed of four “days,” the flexibility of the program allows teachers to accommodate to whatever pacing schedule they have and complete each “week” in two or more actual weeks. The four days of each week follow the same pattern. Day 2 14 | Unit1 MultipleAccess Strategies AccessingConcepts Help students point to and identify the characters.Ask these questions: ¿Quiénes conversan en losdiálogos? (Pilar,Anna,Tomás y Charlie)Who are talking in the dialogues? (Pilar,Anna, Tomás, and Charlie) AccessingContent Ask these questions: ¿Quépalabrasusanpara saludarse? (buenosdías,hola) Whatwords are used for greetings? (goodmorning,hello) ¿Qué palabrasusan paradespedirse? (adiós,hasta luego) Whatwords are used to say goodbye? (goodbye, see you later) AccessingCritical-Thinking Skills Ask these questions: ¿Quéhacen losniños? (Visitan las pirámides.) What are the children doing? (They’re visiting the pyramids.) ¿Quién esPilar? (la guía) Who’s Pilar? (the guide) México • Week Read INTERPRETIVE 0EW TMVkQMHIW Warm-up Ask students if they knowwhat pyramids are.Display the Tarjeta fotográfica that shows a pirámide . If time allows,do some of the suggested activities on the back of the card. • Have students turn to page 14.Ask volunteers to read the title.Then read the title and have the class repeat after you. • Explain to students that there are pyramids in several areas of México, and that the pyramid shown here is in Chichén Itzá, which is located on theYucatán Peninsula. EchoRead • Read the dialogues and have students follow along.Then read them again,having students chorally repeat after you. • Conduct an echo read of the dialogues,having students gradually repeatwords,phrases, and then sentences after you. Good toKnow! PRODUCTSANDPERSPECTIVES Las pirámides sonantiguosmonumentos. La gente construyó pirámides endistintas partesdelmundo, comoEgipto yMéxico. Las pirámides se construyeron para ceremonias religiosas y como tumbas. Pyramids are structures built by ancient peoples in several parts of theworld, such as Egypt andMéxico. Pyramidswere built for religious ceremonies or as burial grounds. DAY 2 14 Unidad1 0EW TMVkQMHIW Buenosdías.YosoyPilar. ¡Hola!Yo soyAnna. Adiós,Pilar. Yo soyTomás. Hasta luego. ¡Graciasporvisitar laspirámides! Nos conocemos | 15 ¿Cómo se saludan los personajes? (Dicen “hola” o “buenos días”.) How do the characters greet each other? (They say “hello”or “goodmorning.”) ¿Cómo sedespiden los personajes? (Dicen “adiós” o “hasta luego”.) How do the characters say goodbye? (They say “goodbye”or “see you later.”) ¿Qué esuna pirámide? (What is a pyramid?) Meeting IndividualNeeds Strategic Youmay simplify instruction for students who exhibit difficulty learning themeaning and/or the pronunciation ofmostwords by having them listen to the dialogues on AudioCD Track 1 several times, and by having them practice the pronunciation of the greetings ( buenosdías, hola ) and then of the goodbyes ( adiós,hasta luego ). Challenge Call on four volunteers tomemorize the dialogues, but replace the names of Pilar and the childrenwith their own. Then have them act out the dialogues in front of the class. PracticeandApply INTERPERSONAL A. Have students turn to page 15 in their books.Then have them listen as you read andmodel the pronunciation and the intonation of thewords under the illustrations.Then have students repeat thewords. B. Read the direction and have students read alongwith you. Then have volunteers read each sentence, choosing one of thewords from activityA to complete it. • After each student reads,model reading the sentencewith the correctword and have the class repeat after you. C. Read the direction and have students read alongwith you. Read, explain, andmodel the conversation situation before asking students to greet Pilar andTomás. Hola,Pilar/Tomás. Buenosdías,Pilar/Tomás. Have students open their Cuadernode práctica to page 5. Read the directions and have students read alongwith you. Explain the directions andmodel the activity/activities.Then have students complete the page as independent classwork or homework. Close PRACTICESANDPRESPECTIVES Have pairs of students take turns practicing greetings and goodbyes.Have students use gestures as they greet each other. Hola… Hello ... Buenosdías… Goodmorning ... ¿Cómo estás?... How are you? ... Adiós... Goodbye ... Hasta luego... See you later ... Day 2 15 Semana1 Hola A. Escucha y repite. niña niño pirámide C. Conversa. B. Completa. ™ ImaginaquevisitasMŽxico. 1. Saludaa Pilar. 2. Saludaa Tomás. 1. ¡ ! Yo soy Tomás. 2. Anna visita la . 3. Yo soy Tomás. Yo soy un 4. Yo soyAnna. Yo soy una Hola niña niño pirámide Las respuestas varían. Meeting Individual Needs activities for Benchmark, Strategic, or Intensive groups, plus a Challenge activity for more-advanced students and/ or heritage speakers. Read (dialogue or passage) Multiple Access Strategies for concepts, content, and critical-thinking skills. Practice and Apply includes structured opportunities to go over concepts and vocabulary. Suggests activities to bring closure to day . Unit Features Good to Know! box includes relevant cultural and linguistic information. 15