SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
10 Unit Objectives By the end of this unit, students will be able to • greet and say goodbye by imagining that they visit México and meet children their own age. • name family members by studying a family tree and completing one for their own family. • introduce themselves to new friends by imagining different scenarios and engaging in a dialogue with their classmates. • describe themselves, places, people, and things by using adjectives in conversations and in writing. Discuss the Big Idea • In this unit, students learn about the country of México, and how people in the Spanish- speaking world greet and say goodbye to each other. Students also learn the names for family members, how they interact with each other and with friends, and how places, people, and things are described. • Display a map of North America or have students look at the map in their books. Help them identify México and explain that it is a country that borders the United States to the south. Have volunteers share what they know about México. • Point out that México is one of many countries where Spanish is spoken. Tell students that they will learn about seven other Spanish-speaking countries in other units of this book. • Explain to students that by their learning Spanish, they will be able to speak to about 330 million more people in the world! Preview the Unit PRODUCTS AND PERSPECTIVES Saludos y despedidas Point to the top image on page 10 and tell students that this is El Zócalo—the main plaza, or square, in the downtown area of México’s capital city. Discuss the image with students. Then have them go back to the map and point out the capital city: México, D.F. (Mexico City). Explain that this is where the characters in the story will meet their Mexican friends. Big Idea Nos conocemos Unit 1 Nos conocemos U n i d a d 1 d Casa rural mexicana El Zócalo
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