SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

Unit 1 12C Big Idea Nos conocemos Week 3 • Los amigos Day 9 (pages 28–29) Language Functions Students will • learn and practice different ways of introducing themselves and others. • learn and practice declarative and interrogative sentences. • learn and practice punctuation marks and capitalization. Vocabulary Essential Question ¿Cómo se presentan los amigos? How do friends introduce each other? Activate Prior Knowledge Frontload Vocabulary Build Background Language in Context Predict Listening and speaking activities to elicit ideas and Spanish vocabulary to make predictions. Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure to Day. Day 10 (pages 30–31) Read ¿Cómo te llamas? Warm-up Echo Read Multiple Access Strategies* Meeting Individual Needs* Practice and Apply Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Close Confirm-predictions activity and interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure to Day. Extension Writing activity involving Cuaderno de práctica. Day 11 (pages 32–33) Check Language Listening, speaking, and reading activities. Scaffold and Apply Multiple Access Strategies* Meeting Individual Needs* Close Interactive exercise involving listening and speaking that brings closure to Day. Extension Writing activity involving Cuaderno de práctica. Day 12 (pages 34–35) Explore Comparisons Multiple Access Strategies* Meeting Individual Needs* Review and Apply Informal Assessment Culminating Activities Writing Process Revisa Álbum de recuerdos Extension Multiple Intelligences* Descubre Online Writing activity involving Cuaderno de práctica. amigo/amigos ¿cómo te llamas? yo me llamo… mucho gusto *Differentiated Instruction, including Accessing Critical-Thinking Skills activities and activities for heritage speakers.