SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
14 | Unit 1 Multiple Access Strategies Accessing Concepts Help students point to and identify the characters. Ask these questions: ¿Quiénes conversan en los diálogos? (Pilar, Anna, Tomás y Charlie) Who are talking in the dialogues? (Pilar, Anna, Tomás, and Charlie) Accessing Content Ask these questions: ¿Qué palabras usan para saludarse? (buenos días, hola) What words are used for greetings? (good morning, hello) ¿Qué palabras usan para despedirse? (adiós, hasta luego) What words are used to say goodbye? (goodbye, see you later) Accessing Critical-Thinking Skills Ask these questions: ¿Qué hacen los niños? (Visitan las pirámides.) What are the children doing? (They’re visiting the pyramids.) ¿Quién es Pilar? (la guía) Who’s Pilar? (the guide) México • Week 1 Read INTERPRETIVE Las pirámides Warm-up Ask students if they know what pyramids are. Display the Tarjeta fotográfica that shows a pirámide . If time allows, do some of the suggested activities on the back of the card. • Have students turn to page 14. Ask volunteers to read the title. Then read the title and have the class repeat after you. • Explain to students that there are pyramids in several areas of México, and that the pyramid shown here is in Chichén Itzá, which is located on the Yucatán Peninsula. Echo Read • Read the dialogues and have students follow along. Then read them again, having students chorally repeat after you. • Conduct an echo read of the dialogues, having students gradually repeat words, phrases, and then sentences after you. Good to Know! PRODUCTS AND PERSPECTIVES Las pirámides son antiguos monumentos. La gente construyó pirámides en distintas partes del mundo, como Egipto y México. Las pirámides se construyeron para ceremonias religiosas y como tumbas. Pyramids are structures built by ancient peoples in several parts of the world, such as Egypt and México. Pyramids were built for religious ceremonies or as burial grounds. DAY 2 14 Unidad 1 Las pirámides Buenos días. Yo soy Pilar. ¡Hola! Yo soy Anna. Adiós, Pilar. Yo soy Tomás. Hasta luego. ¡Gracias por visitar las pirámides! áItz Pirámide de Chichén
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