SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
Nos conocemos | 15 ¿Cómo se saludan los personajes? (Dicen “hola” o “buenos días”.) How do the characters greet each other? (They say “hello” or “good morning.”) ¿Cómo se despiden los personajes? (Dicen “adiós” o “hasta luego”.) How do the characters say goodbye? (They say “goodbye” or “see you later.”) ¿Qué es una pirámide? (What is a pyramid?) Meeting Individual Needs Strategic You may simplify instruction for students who exhibit difficulty learning the meaning and/or the pronunciation of most words by having them listen to the dialogues on Audio CD Track 1 several times, and by having them practice the pronunciation of the greetings ( buenos días, hola ) and then of the goodbyes ( adiós, hasta luego ). Challenge Call on four volunteers to memorize the dialogues, but replace the names of Pilar and the children with their own. Then have them act out the dialogues in front of the class. Practice and Apply INTERPERSONAL A. Have students turn to page 15 in their books. Then have them listen as you read and model the pronunciation and the intonation of the words under the illustrations. Then have students repeat the words. B. Read the direction and have students read along with you. Then have volunteers read each sentence, choosing one of the words from activity A to complete it. • After each student reads, model reading the sentence with the correct word and have the class repeat after you. C. Read the direction and have students read along with you. Read, explain, and model the conversation situation before asking students to greet Pilar and Tomás. Hola, Pilar/Tomás. Buenos días, Pilar/Tomás. Have students open their Cuaderno de práctica to page 5. Read the directions and have students read along with you. Explain the directions and model the activity/activities. Then have students complete the page as independent class work or homework. Close PRACTICES AND PRESPECTIVES Have pairs of students take turns practicing greetings and goodbyes. Have students use gestures as they greet each other. Hola… Hello ... Buenos días… Good morning ... ¿Cómo estás?... How are you? ... Adiós... Goodbye ... Hasta luego... See you later ... Day 2 15 Semana 1 Hola A. Escucha y repite. niña niño pirámide C. Conversa. B. Completa. Imagina que visitas Mxico. 1. Saluda a Pilar. 2. Saluda a Tomás. 1. ¡ ! Yo soy Tomás. 2. Anna visita la . 3. Yo soy Tomás. Yo soy un . 4. Yo soy Anna. Yo soy una . Hola niña niño pirámide Las respuestas varían. 29
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