SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
16 | Unit 1 Check Comprehension INTERPRETIVE ¿Qué recuerdas? • Write the sequence words on the board and tell students that since the text on page 14 was so simple, it did not include any time and order words or phrases. Then have students turn to page 16. Have a volunteer read the title ¿Qué recuerdas? Then have the class chorally repeat the title. A. Read the direction and have students read along with you. Help students identify what happens first, next, and last according to the dialogues they heard/read on page 14. Ask: ¿Qué pasa primero? What happens first? ¿Qué pasa después? What happens next? ¿Qué pasa por último? What happens last? B. Have volunteers read each statement under the illustrations and say whether it is cierto (true) or falso (false) according to the story or common sense. Finally, read each statement, adding the corresponding cierto or falso , and have students repeat after you. 1. Yo soy Tomás. Falso I’m Tomás. False 2. ¡Hola! Cierto Hello! True 3. Adiós. Cierto Goodbye. True 4. Buenos días. Falso Good morning. False Multiple Access Strategies Accessing Concepts Ask students to name the word or phrase for “first,” “next,” and “last” from the board. Help them repeat these after you: primero, después, por último . Then distribute Hoja de actividad 44 , which shows the three images from activity A. Ask students to copy the sequence expressions on the corresponding images. Have them cut out the three images and glue them into a booklet. Finally, have them use the booklet with a classmate for additional oral practice using the sequence espressions. Accessing Content Distribute Hoja de actividad 44 and ask students to complete it by filling in the sequence expressions and greetings such as hola and buenos días in the first box, the words visita/visitan or pirámides in the second box, and the words adiós or hasta luego in the third box. México • Week 1 Good to Know! SPANISH AND OTHER DISCIPLINES La secuencia es el orden en el que ocurren los sucesos en una narración. Comprender en qué orden ocurren los sucesos te ayuda a formar ideas y opiniones sobre una narración. Palabras y frases como “primero”, “después” y “por último” indican el orden de los sucesos en una narración. Sequence is the order in which things happen in a story. Understanding the order in which events take place helps you form ideas and opinions about a story. Words and phrases, such as primero (first), después (next), and por último (last), often signal the order of events in a story. DAY 3 Unidad 1 16 ¿Qué recuerdas? A. Ordena. B. ¿Cierto o falso? 2. ¡Hola! 3. Adiós. 4. Buenos días. 1. Yo soy Tomás. 1. 2. 3. Hola. Adiós. (3) por último Falso Falso Cierto Cierto (1) primero (2) después
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