SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
Nos conocemos | 17 Accessing Critical-Thinking Skills Distribute Hoja de actividad 44 and ask students to complete it using phrases or sentences. Encourage students to use the vocabulary for greetings and goodbyes they have already practiced as well as vocabulary such as niños and pirámides . Have students share their phrases or short sentences with the class. Meeting Individual Needs Intensive You may assist students who exhibit or have been identified as having a learning disability by focusing on one concept at a time, such as cierto and falso . Make several true/ false statements in English and have students practice the skill by saying cierto or falso after they hear each statement. Challenge Encourage more-advanced students and/or heritage speakers to come up with other sequence words or ordinal numbers. For example, elicit segundo (second), tercero (third), cuarto (fourth), and other words. Write these on the board and have students explain to the class what they mean. Scaffold and Apply INTERPERSONAL Hola y adiós A. Have students turn to page 17 in their books. Read the title, Hola y adiós, aloud. Read the direction aloud and have students read along. Have students listen as you read and model the pronunciation and the intonation of all three dialogues. Then have them close their books as you conduct a choral repetition of the dialogues. • After they open their books again, have students get together with a partner to practice the dialogues using the different greetings and goodbyes. B. Have volunteers read the direction, and then have the entire class say the word Conversa with you. Role-Play Explain that the expressions under Saludos and Despedidas are some of the most common greetings and goodbyes in Spanish. Encourage students to make up dialogues with those expressions, and invite them to act them out in front of the class. Be sure that students only use words with which they are familiar. Have students open their Cuaderno de práctica to page 6. Read the directions and have students read along with you. Explain the directions and model the activity/activities. Then have students complete the page as independent class work or homework. Close INTERPRETIVE Have students revisit the predictions they made. Direct their attention to the predictions on the board. Have them discuss how their predictions were the same as or different from the dialogues in Las pirámides. Day 3 Semana 1 17 Hola y adiós Hola. Hola. Adiós. ¿Qué tal? ¿Cómo estás? Hasta luego. Nos vemos. A. Escucha y repite. ¡Hola! ÀQu tal? ¿Cómo estás? Adiós. Hasta luego. Nos vemos. Saludos Despedidas B. Conversa. Las respuestas varían. 31
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