SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018
Multiple Intelligences Logical/Mathematical Provide copies of the image side of the Tarjeta fotográfica that shows a Mexican pyramid. Explain that this pyramid has four triangular sides and a square base, while others, such as Egyptian pyramids, were built with three triangular sides and a triangular base. Distribute Hoja de actividad 45 and have students design and color their own Mexican pyramid. Have them cut out and glue their pyramids together. Display students’ artwork in the classroom. 18 | Unit 1 México • Week 1 DAY 4 18 Unidad 1 Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches B. Conversa. Buenos días Buenas tardes Buenas noches señor señora Buenos días, Lisa. Buenos días, señora López. Buenas noches, Lisa. Buenas noches, mamá. Buenas tardes, señor Gómez. Buenas tardes, Pedro. A. Escucha y repite. Explore Cultures PRACTICES AND PERSPECTIVES Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches • Have students turn to page 18 in their books. Call on a volunteer to read the title, Buenos días, buenas tardes, buenas noches , and then have the class chorally repeat the title after you. A. Read the direction aloud and have students read along. Then read the three dialogues aloud and have students listen. Read them again and have students repeat after you. You may wish to repeat the procedure while students have their books closed. B. Have volunteers read the direction, Conversa . Explain that buenos días (good morning), buenas tardes (good afternoon), and buenas noches (good evening/good night) are also common Spanish greetings—and, in addition, buenas noches is used to say goodbye. • Point out that señor (Mr./sir) and señora (Mrs./ma’am) are formal forms of address for teachers, parents, and other adults. • Point to the scene depicting Lisa and her mother, and explain that in most Spanish-speaking countries it is common for family members or close friends to kiss on the cheek when they greet each other or when they say goodbye. Multiple Access Strategies Accessing Concepts Have students point to words and to phrases such as buenos días, buenas tardes , and buenas noches , and ask them to say them back to you. Accessing Content/Role-Play Have pairs of students take turns role-playing all three dialogues from activity A. Accessing Critical-Thinking Skills/Role-Play Have pairs of students create their own dialogues using their names. Have them act out the dialogues in front of the class. Meeting Individual Needs Benchmark You may assist students having minor difficulties pronouncing the letter ñ in señor and señora by having them pretend that the words are spelled senyor and senyora as they try saying them again. Challenge Call on volunteers to name two objects in the illustrations, such as libro (book) and pelota (ball). For additional practice and reinforcement of the skills and concepts presented this week, have students access the Descubre Online activities for this unit and week. Las respuestas varían.
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