SANTILLANA USA - Descubre Teacher Guide C Sampler 2018

Nos conocemos | 19 Review and Apply INTERPERSONAL Have students turn to page 19. Read the topic under Repasa and review with students new concepts and vocabulary learned throughout the week. Skim through previous pages and use Tarjetas fotográficas and items from the Manipulatives Kit as necessary. Informal Assessment • For the Aplica activity, read the three commands and have individual students stand up and perform one command each. • When you say Saluda a un niño (Greet a boy), the student should stand up and greet a boy, following the model ¡Hola! Yo soy… (Hello! My name is …) or Buenas tardes, yo soy… (Good afternoon, my name is …) • When you say Saluda a una niña (Greet a girl), the student should stand up and greet a girl. Then choose a girl and have her pretend that she is señora López. Explain Despídete de. Have students practice despídete de using adiós (goodbye), hasta luego (see you later), and nos vemos (I’ll see you). • Be sure that all students participate, and evaluate students’ performance. • Revisit the Essential Question for the week and ask students to answer it using concepts and vocabulary learned during the week. Have students open their Cuaderno de práctica to page 7. Read the directions and have students read along with you. Explain the directions and model the activity/activities. Then have students complete the page as independent class work or homework. Culminating Activities PRESENTATIONAL Writing Process Students plan what they are going to write by drawing, developing ideas, and organizing their drawings and ideas. • Have students repeat the activity title ¡A escribir! after you. Then have the class read the line Tema: Mi familia . Explain to students that in the next few weeks, they will prepare illustrated stories about their families. • Briefly mention the four stages of the writing process. Explain that this week they are at the Planifica stage. Discuss the meaning of the stage and ask students to draw a picture of themselves and all their family members on a sheet of paper. Álbum de recuerdos • Explain to students that Anna and Charlie are keeping a scrapbook containing pictures and items they collect of the places they visit. They call it El álbum de recuerdos de Anna y Charlie (Anna and Charlie’s scrapbook). Tell students that they will create their own álbum de recuerdos as they accompany Anna and Charlie on their travels. Then distribute Hoja de actividad 12 , and hand out the blank scrapbooks. Have students label the cover Mi álbum de recuerdos . This can be a home connection activity. • Explain to students that, to start, they need to draw themselves greeting Tomás. Then they have to cut out the speech bubbles and glue them where they belong in the drawing. When finished, have students glue their recuerdo inside their álbum . Day 4 91 ¡A escribir! Semana 1 Repasa ™ los saludos y las despedidas Aplica 1. Saluda a un niño. 2. Saluda a una niña. 3. Despídete de la señora López. Tema: Mi familia ¡Hola! Yo soy Janet. Las respuestas varían. 33