10 194 Presentation . In Desafío2 Tim and Mack search for coquíes atMrs.García’s house in order to take pictures. Students talk about where people,animals,and things are located using the verb estar . Expresar existencia y lugar DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 Warm-up/Independent starter . Ask students to write six sentences in Spanish about the houses and streets of Old San Juan. Preparation . Ask volunteers to read the text in the speech bubbles for each image. La fotonovela Before viewing . Ask students to review the expressions they learned in Unit 1 to greet someone they meet for the first time. While viewing . Ask students to pay close attention to Ana García’s house and write down the names of the parts of the house that they observe in the video based on the vocabulary they learned in Desafío1 . After viewing . Ask students to write a summary of what happened. Activities 32. Point out that the word coquí is masculine: el coquí . As a result, it is modified by masculine adjectives (ending in o ). Teaching suggestions Developing leARneRS • Have students rewrite the fotonovela and highlight thewords they know from the previous unit and the previous desafío . Then ask them to count the number ofwords highlighted.Howmanywords do they already know? expAnDing leARneRS • Ask students to cover the speech bubbles in the fotonovela so only the pictures remain. • Have studentswrite a script ofwhat they would say in each situation. HeRiTAge lAngUAge leARneRS • The coquí is a typical animal of PuertoRico. As a result it is a symbol of national identity. What other symbols are representative of otherSpanish-speaking countries?Some examples: El toro en España; el cóndor en Perú; el quetzal enGuatemala. 0 Differentiated instruction Activities Standards Resources Fotonovela 1.2,2.2 Vis. Pres. 29. 1.2,1.3 30. 1.2 Audio 31. 1.2,1.3 32. Cultura 1.1,1.2,3.1,3.2, 4.2 Tu desafío 3.1 104 cientocuatro Detective de palabras Completa. Complete the statements using the fotonovela above. 1. Nohay casas feas 1 elViejoSan Juan. 2. ¿ 2 están los coquíes? ¿Están 3 de la escalera? 3. ¡Abuelo,hayun coquí 4 laestantería! ¡Está 5 de los libros! Los coquíes en la casa Continuará… TimandMackarriveatAnaGarcía’shome.There theyhave to find six coquíes hidden throughout thehouseand takephotosof them. DESAFÍO 2 Expresar existencia y lugar Gracias, señoraGarcía.Usted tieneunacasamuybonita. Gracias,Tim. ¡Nohaycasas feasenelViejoSanJuan! ¿Dóndeestán loscoquíes? ¿Estándetrásde la escalera? ¡Abuelo,hayuncoquí en laestantería! ¡Está encimade los libros! Hola,Mack.Hola, Tim.Bienvenidos amicasa. Sí. Mira,abuelo,unacasaamarilla con jardín. Es lacasade la señora García.¿Tocoa lapuerta? 184018 _ 0106-0165.indd 122 23/12/09 17:34:40 cientocinco 105 30 ¿Comprendes? Escucha y decide. Listen and decidewhether the five sentences you hear are true (cierto) or false (falso) . Modelo 1. Cierto. 31 ¿Dónde están? Une. What is the caption foreachphoto?Match thephrases in the columns to create the captions. A B 1. El coquí está a. al ladode la casa. 2. Los coquíesestán b. en la cocinadeAnaGarcía. 3. El jardín está c. detrásde la escalera. 4. Timestá d. encimade los libros. r s r e ist ia y lu r Gracias, señoraGarcía.Usted tieneunacasamuybonita. Los coquíes El coquíesuna rana (frog) pequeña.Esun símbolo dePuertoRico.Los coquíesproducenun sonido similar a sunombre: “ co-quí ”. 32 ¿Cómo son los coquíes? Elige. Choosewords to compose an accurate description of a coquí . 33 Comparación What animal represents your state or your country?Why do you think itwas chosen as a symbol? TU DESAFÍO Use thewebsite to listen to a coquí . feo animal bonito pequeño simbólico grande 1 3 2 4 184018_0106-0165.indd 123 18/1/10 08:31:20 184033 _ 0178-0237.indd 194 17/05/10 9:15 1950 Expresar existencia y lugar DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 A H T CoopeRATiveleARning • Place students in groups of four. Each group should have: – Two strong readers inSpanish. – Two studentswho need helpwith reading skills inSpanish. • Have students read (or reread) the dialogue together.Students pick out thewords they understand from the dialogue such as cognates,previous vocabulary,and previous grammatical structures. 33. Ask students to look up the animal that represents their state if they do not know. Point out that every state also has a state flower. AUDIO SCRIPT See page 87K 29. 1. en 4. en 2. Dónde 5. encima 3. detrás 30. 1. Cierto 4. Falso 2. Falso 5. Cierto 3. Falso 31. 1. c 2. d 3. a 1. b 32. Answers will vary. 33. Answers will vary. Sample answer: The bald eagle is the symbol of the United States. It is found in theWest andSouthwest of the country. It is a bird that represents might,speed,and strength,which are admired qualities. Answer key Los coquíes The sound the coquí frogs make at night is very distinct. The inhabitants of the island often say they miss the murmur of these creatures when they go to sleep if they move to other countries. Because of this, it is relatively easy to find recordings of the coquíes on the web. Some students may relate to this if they grew up in rural areas where the sound of crickets or birds may fill the nights. CULTURA Additional resources Fans Online activities Practice Workbook Exp e a x enc ga , . E U 184033_0178-0237.indd 195 17/05/10 9:15 A full range of instructional resources supports instruction, provides flexibility, and facilitates classroom management. Wrap-around Teacher’s Edition is an all-in-one, manageable guide designed to help deliver effective instruction. Differentiated Instruction activities in every lesson At-a-glance look at standards covered and materials needed Point-of-use icons Additional cultural information to support instruction as students complete the activities in the “C-boxes” Guided viewing activities help with comprehension