11 87A Evaluation criteria • To identify people and things. • To describe one’s house. • To describe in detail. • To express existence and location. • To describe one’s classroom. • To identify the location of objects. • To express common activities. • To describe characteristics of the tropics. • To express obligation or necessity. Objectives Vocabulary • Parts of a house. • Furniture. • Household items. • Household chores and actions. • Leisure activities. • Useful expressions. Grammar • To identify nouns,gender,number, and articles. • To express existence using the verb haber . • To express location or place. • To conjugate present tense verbs. • To express obligationwith tener que and hay que . • To specify frequency using adverbs. Culture • The composition of the streets in OldSan Juan. • Units ofmeasure used in PuertoRico. • Design and rationale of roofs in PuertoRican buildings. • Symbols of PuertoRico. • Famous PuertoRicanmonuments. • Geographicmap of PuertoRico and theCaribbean. Contents • Ask and give information about people and things. • Recognize and use nouns,articles, regular verbs,and adverbs of frequency. • Describe the rooms and furnishings in a house. • Tell chores that one has to do and talk aboutwhat one feels like doing. • Describe someone’s normal activities at home and how frequently he or she does them. • Use the verb haber and expressionswith tener que and hay que . • Express understanding of some of Puerto Rico’s customs, geographical aspects, and historical facts. • Recognize the differences between linguistic expressions inSpanish-speaking countries and theUnitedStates. Unit 2 Puerto Rico • To ask and state frequency of chores performed. • To identify key concepts in an informational text and the facts that support them. • To explore cultural aspects of PuertoRico. 184033_0166-0177.indd 166 17/05/10 9:12 Unit 2 87B Unit plan Estimated time: 2 sessions. Mapa cultural: PuertoRico and theCaribbean. Reading: ElMorro. MAPA CULTURAL/LECTURA Estimated time: 2 sessions. Vocabulary: Repaso. Grammar: Repaso. REPASO Estimated time: 2 sessions. Project: Una visita guiada por la CasaBlanca. Self-evaluation: Autoevaluación. PROYECTO Estimated time: 6 sessions. Dialogue: ¿Quién prende la luz? Functions& forms: • Expressing certain actions using regular -ar , -er ,and -ir verbs. Culture: • LaBahía deMosquito. • Asopao. DESAFÍO3 Estimated time: 2 sessions. Dialogue: En San Juan. Functions& forms: • Greeting people. • Using useful conversational expressions. Culture: • San Juan. La llegada Estimated time: 6 sessions. Dialogue: La casamás colorida. Functions& forms: • Expressing the number and gender of nouns. • Using articleswith nouns. Culture: • Las calles delViejo San Juan. • Los techos tropicales. DESAFÍO1 Estimated time: 6 sessions. Dialogue: Los coquíes en la casa. Functions& forms: • Expressing existence using the verb haber . • Asking questionswith hay . • Expressingwhere things are using the expression estar en . Culture: • Los coquíes. • La CasaBlanca. DESAFÍO2 Estimated time: 6 sessions. Dialogue: Una excursión. Functions& forms: • Expressing an obligation that somebody has using tener que + infinitive. • Expressing a general obligation using hay que + infinitive. • Expressing how often something is done by using certain adverbs. Culture: • Las cuevas de Camuy. DESAFÍO4 Estimated time: 2 sessions. Functions& forms: • Review of Desafíos1–4. Culture: • Las casas de los indígenas de PuertoRico. • ElViejo San Juan. Todo junto/El encuentro Overview 184033 _ 0166-0177.indd 167 21/05/10 11:56 At-a-glance look at unit objectives, language skills covered, lesson duration, themes, functions and forms, and cultural activities Unit 2 Puerto Rico 87C Standards for learning Spanish 1.1. Interpersonalmode • Participate in discussions on a given topic. • Talk to a classmate about the challenges. • Discuss impressions of a photo. • Play a guessing game. • Participate in a question-and-answer sequence based on describing the location of objects. • Compare two photoswith a classmate. • Take a poll among classmates to rank household chores. • Interview students to gather information. 1.2. Interpretivemode • Watch a story onDVD and answer comprehension questions. • View a story and demonstrate comprehension bymatching, true/false, fill-in-the blanks, and/ormultiple choice. • Read a text andmake comparisons to student’s own experience. • Read a text and gain information through the second language. 1.3.Presentationalmode • Write captions for a series of photos. • Write a description of one’s house. • Give an oral description of a floor plan. • Act out a dialoguewritten by the student. • Note items in a photo or not in the photo. • Describe the location of personal items. • Write a postcard to a friend describing a room in one’s home. • Represent the findings of a poll in a bar graph. • Write a letter to one’s parents describing the chores one haswhile on a trip to PuertoRico. 2.1.Practices and perspectives • Understand the reasons for the composition of old streets in PuertoRico. • Recognize the systemofmeasurement inPuerto Rico. • UnderstandwhyPuertoRicansbuild theirhouses and roofs theway they do. • Understand theoriginsofPuertoRican traditional dishes. 2.2.Products and perspectives • Obtain information about LaBahía deMosquito , Las cuevas de Camuy , ElYunque , los coquíes , and understand their importance to Puerto Rican patrimony. • Reflect on the houses of indigenous people in PuertoRico andwhy theywere constructed theway theywere. • Reflect on the contributions of famous PuertoRicans. • Research the biographies of famous PuertoRicans. • Understand the importance of ElMorro in PuertoRican history. • Understand the importance of La CasaBlanca to PuertoRicans. 3.1. Interdisciplinary connections • Research the building of roads during the colonial period. • Learn aboutOldSan Juan. • Research apartment advertisements online and in newspapers. • Research tropical rainforests and their characteristics. • Research the phenomena of “bioluminescence.” • Use a Venn diagram to display information. 3.2. Viewpoints through language/culture • Gain information onwhy houses in PuertoRico predominantly have flat roofs. • Learn about thewonders of the Bahía de Mosquito . • Learn about the cuevas de Camuy . • Discover the types of Taíno homes. 4.1.Compare languages • Compare gender and number of nouns inSpanish and English. • Compare noun-adjective agreement inSpanish and English. • Compare the punctuation usedwith questions inSpanish and English. • Compare contractions and their use inSpanish and English. • Compare verb patterns inSpanish and English. 4.2.Compare cultures • Compare common household chores at home and in other cultures. • Compare typical dishes in various cultures. • Compare architectural features affected by culture and climate. 5.1. Spanish beyond the school setting • Gain information through advertisements. • Write a postcard. • Represent information using graphs. • Prepare an oral presentation of a photo diary. • Write a short text about a famous historical monument. 5.2. Spanish for lifelong learning • Take a virtual tour of La CasaBlanca. • Design a poster. • Play a famousmonument guessing game. 184033 _ 0166-0177.indd 168 17/05/10 9:12 Unit 2 87D Communicative skills Activities Activities Interpersonal mode Speaking • Participate in discussion on a given topic. • Initiate a guessing gamewith another student. • Discuss photoswith a classmate. • Interview students to gather information. • 11,24,25,26,36,41,42,60,70,75, 83,86,88,97,102 • 27,34,56,99 • 25,27,41,44,50,64,87 • 36,60,70,83,90,97 Writing • Write captions for a series of photos. • Write a descriptive letter or postcard. • 22,31,80 • 49,73,91 Listening • Interview a classmate and interpret his/her answers. • Play a guessing gamewith a partner. • 36,60,70,83,90,97 • 6,27,34,99 Reading • Read a text or blog about PuertoRico. • Read an online article. • 49,82,91,94, Lectura • Tu desafío Interpretive mode Listening • Listen and identify ideas or photos. • Listen and evaluate or interpret the information. • 2,10,17,25,35,54,57,68,77, 89,93 • 30,40,48,71,79,81,82,85 Reading • Read a text and answer comprehension questions. • Fill in keywords in a story or paragraph. • Read about culture,synthesizing key concepts. • 94,96,103 • 6,18,23,28,29,51,52,74,92 • Lectura Presentational mode Speaking • Present information or results orally to the class. • Act out a script or dialogue. • 49,60,95,101 • 28,51,74,92 Writing • Summarize or report information. • 24,45,46,58,59,70,72,85,89,90, 95,104 Cross-curricular standards Subject Standard Activities Activities Activities Language Arts • Compare elements of English grammarwithSpanish equivalents. • Proofread an original piece ofwriting. • 15,20,38,43,61,66,84 • Proyecto Social Studies • Locate political and geographical divisions of PuertoRico and theCaribbean. • Research the early history of PuertoRico. • 99 • Proyecto Art • Learn about indigenous andmodern architecture. • Learn about famous PuertoRican artists and designers. • 19,96 • 101 Drama • Write a script. • Act out a dialogue. • Proyecto • 28,51,74,92, Proyecto Stand ds for le rning Spanish Overview 184033 _ 0166-0177.indd 169 17/05/10 9:12 Standards covered in the unit and crosswalk of communicative and cross-curricular standards