14 Teachers can evaluate student progress easily with a wide range of print and technology options! EspañolSantillana.Assessments.© 2010SantillanaUSAPublishing. 27 PUERTO RICO Nombre: Clase: Fecha: En la sala Relaciona . Match each itemwith the corresponding letter. 1. la estantería 2. lamesa 3. la silla 4.el sofá 5.el televisor En todas las casas Elige. Which item ismost likely to be in each room?Choose the vocabularyword that best completes the sentence. 1. En la salahay a.unaestufa. b.un inodoro. c.unamesitadenoche. d.un televisor. 2. Eneldormitoriohay a.unacama. b.unaestufa. c.un lavaplatos. d.unabañera. 3. Enelbañohay a.una estufa. b.un lavabo. c.un microoondas. d.un televisor. 4. En lacocina a.una cómoda. b.unaducha. c.un inodoro. d.un refrigerador. 5. Enelcomedor a.unamesa. b.unacama. c.un sofá. d.un inodoro. Prueba: Desafío 2 (pp.104-113) A B D E C EspañolSantillana.Assessments.©2010SantillanaUSAPublishing. 28 ¿Qué hay en casa? Elige. Choose the correctword to fill each blank in the paragraph. a.hay b.está c.cuántas d.cuántos e.dónde Así esmi casa Mi casa es grande.Tiene sala,baño,cocinay tresdormitorios. ¿(1) dormitorioshay en tu casa? ¿(2) muchas ventanasen tu casa? ¿(3) ventanashay en tudormitorio? Yono tengoventanas enmidormitorio. (4) estáel garaje en tu casa?Nuestro garaje (5) al ladode la casa.Tambiénhay un jardíndetrásde la casa. ¿Dónde está? Escribe . Fill in the blanks to describewhere each item is. 1. El jardínestá de la casa. 2. Elperro está de la cama. 3. El televisor está del televisor. 4. La estantería está del sofá. 5. Elmicroondas está de la estufa. Assessment Program This comprehensive program helps track student progress and assesses student proficiency in all skills areas (listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and vocabulary), and evaluates cultural understanding, as well as students’ ability to use the language to make comparisons and connections. Lesson Quiz SpanishWorks! • Builds college and career readiness • Supports Texas Endorsement Areas • Makes cross-curricular connections • Provides opportunities for Integrated Performance Assessment Take your Spanish instruction to the next level as students see their language and cultural skills employed in their Endorsement Area of choice! S a m p l e l e S S o n S Unit 3 See the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures at work in your community and across the curriculum! ish Works! er readiness ementAreas connections for IntegratedPerformanceAssessment the Español Santillana experience d to the Español Santillana program ,Cultures,Comparisons,Connections, lReflection,plus evaluation rubrics and tation! used for independent study, individual fferentiated instruction,orwhole-group Spanish Works! 9 781682 921708 ISBN 978-1-68292-170-8 tion tomusic, civil engineering to human e developing Spanish language proficiency ! tion to the next level as students see al skills employed in their Endorsement 31/05/16 10:21 a.m. Assessment