16 At-a-glance look at the linguistic and cultural concepts presented in Levels 1–4. IX Unidad Vocabulario Gramática Cultura Unit 1 México 30–85 • People • Physical characteristics • Personality traits • Family • States and conditions • Subject pronouns • The verb ser • Adjectives • The verb tener • Expressing possession: – Possessive adjectives –The preposition de • The verb estar • Mapa cultural: Mexico • Mexico City: Tenochtitlan • The south: the indigenous population • Lectura: Teotihuacán, ciudad de los dioses Unit 2 Puerto Rico 86–143 • The house • Furniture and objects in a house • Household chores • Leisure activities • Nouns • Articles.Agreement with nouns • Expressing existence. The verb haber • Expressing location • Regular - ar verbs,present tense • Regular - er and - ir verbs, present tense • Expressing obligation: – Tener que + infinitive – Hay que + infinitive • Adverbs of frequency • Mapa cultural: Puerto Rico • Old San Juan • Salsa, the essence of Puerto Rico • Lectura: El Morro: Blog de viajes Unit 3 Guatemala 144–199 • The shopping center • Clothing and footwear • Describing clothing and footwear • Shopping • Stem-changing verbs (e > ie) • The verb ir • The verb gustar • Demonstratives • Comparison. Comparative adjectives • Stem-changing verbs (o > ue) • Mapa cultural: Guatemala • The great Mayan city ofTikal • The quetzal, national bird of Guatemala • Lectura: Desde Chichicastenango Unit 4 Perú 200–255 • Foods and beverages • Food stores • At the table • Describing food • Adverbs of quantity • Expressing want, preference, and rejection.The verbs querer and preferir • Irregular verbs in the yo form • Direct object pronouns • Indirect object pronouns • Stem-changing verbs (e > i) • Mapa cultural: Peru • The Incas, kings of the mountains • The Nazca lines • Lectura: Festividad inca del Inti Raymi Unit 5 España 256–309 • Parts of the body • Personal hygiene • Symptoms and illnesses • Basic remedies • Healthy habits • The verbs ver , oír , oler , and decir • Reflexive verbs • The verb doler • The verb sentirse • Affirmative tú commands. Regular verbs • Mapa cultural : Spain • Madrid: a painter’s paradise • The south: an A rabic heritage • Lectura: El Guernica , de Pablo Picasso Unit 6 Estados Unidos 310–363 • The world of work • Hobbies • Free time • Sports • Affirmative commands. Irregular verbs • Ir a + infinitive.Time markers in the future • The present progressive • The present participle • Stem-changing verbs (u > ue) • Mapa cultural : United States • Hispanic influence in the United States • States with Hispanic history • Concentration of Hispanic people in cities • Lectura : Celebramos la Herencia Hispana Unit 7 Argentina 364–417 • Transportation • Travel • Destinations and lodging • The city.Location and directions • The preterite tense of regular - ar verbs • The preterite tense of regular - er and - ir verbs • Time markers in the past • The preterite tense of the verbs ser and ir • Negative commands • Mapa cultural : Argentina • The tango • Buenos Aires • Lectura : La vuelta al mundo de Cinthia Scoch Unit 8 Chile 418–471 • The universe • Geography • Political divisions • Numbers from 101 to 1,000 • Nature and the environment • Expressing cause: porque and por • Expressing quantity.Indefinites • Irregular verbs in the preterite. Decir and hacer • Irregular verbs in the preterite. Estar and tener • Expressing permission and prohibition • Mapa cultural : Chile • Easter Island • Pablo Neruda • The chinchineros • Lectura : Oda a la manzana ts Unidad Voc bulario Gramática C ltura Unit 1 Centroamérica 28–79 • Personal and family rel tion h p • Physical characteristics and personality traits • Emotional tatesand feelings • Personal information • Possessives • Adjectives and nouns • Compari on and superlatives • Interrog tiv s • Mapa cultural: Centroamérica • Mes izaj y ultur • Riqueza natural • Lectura: El blog de Ichxel Unit 2 Las Antillas 80–131 • Thehouse.Householdchores • Furnitur andobjects inahouse • Electrical appliances • The neighborhood. Places and services • The present progressive • Direct object pronouns • Indirect object pronouns • Demonstratives • Mapa cultural: Las Antillas • Barrios coloniales • Música caribeña • Lectura: Estilo de vida caribeño Unit 3 Andes centrales 132–183 • Clothing and accessories • Describing clothes • Stores and establishments • Shopping • The preterite tense of regular -ar verbs • The preterite tense of regular -er and -ir verbs • The preterite tense of the verbs ser, ir, decir, tener, estar, and hacer • The preterite tense of stem-changing -ir verbs • Mapa cultural: Andes centrales • Quechuas y aymaras • Los equecos • Las islas Galápagos • Lectura: Textiles andinos bolivianos Unit 4 Norteamérica 184–235 • Foods • Buying food • In the kitchen • In the restaurant • Expressing amount. Indefinites • Singular affirmative commands • Plural affirmative commands • Negative commands • Mapa cultural: Norteamérica • El Camino Real de Tierra Adentro • Los chicanos • Lectura: La receta del guacamole Unit 5 España 236–287 • Parts of the body • Personal hygiene • Health: symptoms and illnesses • Healthy habits • The past participle • Adverbs ending in -mente • Por and para • Making recommendations • Mapa cultural : España y el Mediterráneo • Paisaje mediterráneo • La Noche de San Juan • Las lenguas romances • Lectura: Figura en una ventana, de Salvador Dalí Unit 6 Caribe continental 288–339 • Trips and excursions • On the train and on the plane • The car • The hotel.The bank • The imperfect tense • The preterite tense of the verbs dar, poder, poner, querer, saber, and venir • Talking about past actions.The preterite and imperfect tenses • Talking about past actions and describing in the past.The preterite and imperfect tenses • Mapa cultural : Caribe continental • Símbolos nacionales • El mestizaje y los bailes • Cocina del Caribe: color y sabor • Lectura: El Dorado,ecos de una leyenda Unit 7 Río de la Plata 340–391 • The school • Professions • Hobbies, free-time activities,and entertainment • Sports • Expressing existence. Indefinites • The present subjunctive of regular verbs • The present subjunctive of stem-changing verbs • The present subjunctive of irregular verbs • Mapa cultural : Río de la Plata • Influencia italiana • Cultura rioplatense • El chipá • Lectura: Un cuento de Benedetti Unit 8 La Panamericana 392–443 • Geography • Countries • The weather • Nature and environment • The relative superlative • Expressing plans and intentions • The future tens • Hiding the gent. The pronoun e • Mapa cultural : La ruta Panamericana • Variedad geográfica • El mundo hispano: unidad y diversidad • Lectura: El T pón de Darién: un corte en la ruta Panamericana ....................... 2 es habituales .... 8 uales .............. 14 ia ................. 20 ary ar 1–27 ices R1–R69 .......................R1 y ................ R18 y ................ R40 .................... R62 VIII Preliminary Unit Primeros pasos 1–29 • Spelling and pronouncing words in Spanish ............................................. 2 • Greetings and introductions .................. 4 • Goodbyes and courtesy expressions ............................................. 6 • The classroom ......................................... 8 • Useful classroom expressions ............. 10 • Asking questions ................................. 12 • Days and dates ................................... 14 • The school schedule ........................... 16 • Weather and seasons ........................... 18 • Three reasons to learn Spanish ........... 20 • Spanish around the world ................... 22 • Learning strategies ............................... 24 • Review ................................................ 28 Appendices R1–R50 • Grammar summary ............................R1 • Spanish-English glossary ................ R14 • English-Spanish glossary ................ R31 • Grammar index ............................... R46 Contents Unidad Vocabulario Unit 1 México 30–85 • People • Physical characteristics • Personality traits • Family • States and conditions Unit 2 Puerto Rico 86–143 • The house • Furniture and objects in a house • Household chores • Leisure activities Unit 3 Guatemala 144–199 • The shopping center • Clothing and footwear • Describing clothing and footwear • Shopping Unit 4 Perú 200–255 • Foods and beverages • Food stores • At the table • Describing food Unit 5 España 256–309 • Parts of the body • Personal hygiene • Symptoms and illnesses • Basic remedies • Healthy habits Unit 6 Estados Unidos 310–363 • The world of work • Hobbies • Free time • Sports Unit 7 Argentina 364–417 • Transportation • Travel • Destinations and lodging • The city.Location and directions Unit 8 Chile 418–471 • The universe • Geography • Political divisions • Numbers from 101 to 1,000 • Nature and the environment VIII • Greetings and introductions .................. 4 • Goodbyes and courtesy expressions ............................................. 6 • The classroom ......................................... 8 • Useful classroom expressions ............. 10 • Asking questions ................................. 12 • Days and dates ................................... 14 • The school schedule ........................... 16 • Weather and seasons ........................... 18 • Three reasons to learn Spanish ........... 20 • Spanish around the world ................... 22 • Learning strategies ............................... 24 • Review ................................................ 28 Appendices R1–R50 • Grammar summary ............................R1 • Spanish-English glossary ................ R14 • English-Spanish glossary ................ R31 • Grammar index ............................... R46 86–143 • Leisure activities • Expressing location • Regular - ar verbs,present tense – Hay que + inf • Adverbs of freq Unit 3 Guatemala 144–199 • The shopping center • Clothing and footwear • Describing clothing and footwear • Shopping • Stem-changing verbs (e > ie) • The verb ir • The verb gustar • Demonstratives • Comparison. Co adjectives • Stem-changing (o > ue) Unit 4 Perú 200–255 • Foods and beverages • Food stores • At the table • Describing food • Adverbs of quantity • Expressing want, preference, and rejection.The verbs querer and preferir • Irregular verbs i • Direct object pr • Indirect object • Stem-changing Unit 5 España 256–309 • Parts of the body • Personal hygiene • Symptoms and illnesses • Basic remedies • Healthy habits • The verbs ver , oír , oler , and decir • Reflexive verbs • The verb doler • The verb sentir • Affirmative tú c Regular verbs Unit 6 Estados Unidos 310–363 • The world of work • Hobbies • Free time • Sports • Affirmative commands. Irregular verbs • Ir a + infinitive.Time markers in the future • The present progressive • The present par • Stem-changing (u > ue) Unit 7 Argentina 364–417 • Transportation • Travel • Destinations and lodging • The city.Location and directions • The preterite tense of regular - ar verbs • The preterite ense of regular - er and - ir v rbs • Time markers i • The preterite te verbs ser and ir • Negative comm Unit 8 Chile 418–471 • The universe • Geography • Political divisions • Numbers from 101 to 1,000 • Nature and the environment • Expressing cause: porque and por • Expressing quanti y.Indefinites • Irregular verbs in the preterite. ecir and hacer • Irregular verbs i preterite. Estar • Expressing per prohibition Scope and Sequence Scope and Sequence Level 1