18 IX Unidad Vocabulario Gramática Cultura Escritura Unit 1 ¿Cómo eres? 12–65 • Physical characteristics and personality traits • Family relationships • Biographies • Ser and estar • Comparatives and superlatives • The imperfect and the past progressive • Expressing possesion • The preterite and the imperfect tenses • Time expressions for narration • Lectura informativa: Una breve biografía • Lectura literaria: Los hermanos Ayar (leyenda inca) • Mapa cultural: La población latinoamericana Un bosquejo biográfico Unit 2 Entre amigos 66–119 • Personal relationships • Introductions.Expressions to invite,accept,and reject an invitation • Phone calls • Direct object and indirect object pronouns • Reflexive and reciprocal verbs • Expressing wishes, likes,and preferences • Non-reflexive verbs used with pronouns • Expressing need or obligation • Speaking about the future • Lectura informativa: Juegos precolombinos • Lectura literaria: El mensaje • Mapa cultural: La fiesta: expresión comunitaria Un caligrama Unit 3 Tus cosas 120–173 • Clothing • Describing objects • Household chores and professions • The past participle • Talking about recent actions.The present perfect tense • Indefinites • Impersonal constructions.The pronoun se • The past perfect tense • Demonstratives • Lectura informativa: Guía de viajeros: un hotel inolvidable • Lectura literaria: La casa de muñecas • Mapa cultural: La ciudad colonial Un ensayo Unit 4 Vida sana 174–227 • Food and nutrition • Healthy habits • The doctor’s office. The human body • Commands • Verbs that express change • Para and por • Making value statements • The conditional tense • Giving advice and recommendations • Lectura informativa: El blog personal de Sara • Lectura literaria: La leyenda del maíz (leyenda azteca) • Mapa cultural: Alimentos básicos en el mundo hispano Una receta Unit 5 ¿Trabajas? 228–281 • Jobs and professions • Work and technology • Volunteering and community service • Expressing certainty and doubt • The imperfect subjunctive • Giving details.The relative pronoun que • The gender of nouns • Expressing feelings • Expressing difficulty • Lectura informativa: Manuel Jalón, un inventor humanista • Lectura literaria: Música (Ana María Matute) • Mapa cultural: Universidades hispanas Una carta formal Unit 6 Tus aficiones 282–335 • Free time and events • Sports • Travel and lodging • Expressing opinion • Grammatical forms of courtesy • Expressing probability • Expressing purpose • Indirect speech • Expressing place • Lectura informativa: Historia de los Juegos Panamericanos • Lectura literaria: Galletitas (Jorge Bucay) • Mapa cultural: Deportes con tradición Un cuento Unit 7 Por el planeta 336–389 • Nature and the environment • The weather.The universe • Natural disasters. Natural resources • Expressing condition (I) • Expressing condition (II) • Expressing time • The present perfect subjunctive • Expressing cause and consequence • The personal a • Lectura informativa: Las tradiciones del Sol • Lectura literaria: El eclipse (Augusto Monterroso) • Mapa cultural: Espacios naturales singulares Un reportaje Unit 8 En sociedad 390–443 • Historical figures, events, civilizations • Politics and government • Society • The passive voice • Uses of the past tenses (review) • Referring to the stages of an action • Uses of the indicative (review) • Articles • Uses of the subjunctive (review) • Lectura informativa: Entrevista a Debra McKeon • Lectura literaria: La muralla (Nicolás Guillén) • Mapa cultural: Una ciudad con historia: Barcelona Un texto de opinión s Uni ad Vocabulario Gramática Cultura Escritura Unit 1 ¿Cómo res? 12–65 • Physic l ha acteristics and personali y traits • Family relat onships • Biographies • Ser and estar • Comparatives and superlatives • Th imperfect and the ast progr ssive • Expressing possesion • Th pr terite and th imperfect tenses • Time expre si ns for narration • Lectura informativa: Una breve biografía • Lectur l teraria: Los hermanos Ayar (leye d inca) • Mapa cultural: La población l tinoamericana Un bosquejo biográfico Unit 2 Entre amigos 66–119 • Person l relat onships •   Introductions.Expre sions to invit ,accept,and reject an invitation • Phone calls •   Direct object and indirect object pronouns •   Reflexive and e iprocal verbs •   Express ng wish , likes,and pref rences •   Non-reflexive verbs used with pronouns •   Expressing need or obligation •  Speaking about the future •  Lectura informativa: Juegos precolombinos •  Lectur l teraria: El m nsaje • Mapa cultural: La fi sta: expresión comunitaria Un caligrama Unit 3 Tus co as 120–173 • Clothing • Describing objects • H usehold chores and pr fe sions • The s participle • Talking about recent actions.The pres nt perfect tense • I d finites • Impersonal constructions.The pronoun se • The ast perfect tense • Demonstratives • Lectura informativa: Guía d viajeros: un hotel inolvidable • Lectur l teraria: L casa de muñecas • Mapa cultural: La ciudad colonial Un ensayo Unit 4 Vida s na 174–227 •  Food and nutrition •  Healthy habits •  The doctor’s office. The human body •  Commands •   Verbs that express change •   Para and por • Making valu statements •  The co ditio al tense •   Giving advice and recommendations •  Lectura informativa: El blog personal de Sara •  Lectur l teraria: La leyenda del maíz (leyenda zteca) • Mapa cultural: Alimentos básicos en el mundo hispano Una receta Unit 5 ¿Tr b jas? 2 –281 • Jobs and profe sions • Work and technology • Volunteering and community s rvice • Expressing cert i ty and doubt • Th imperfect subjunctive • Giving details.The r lative pronoun que • The gender of nouns • Expressing feelings • Express ng difficulty • Lectura informativa: Manuel Jalón, un inventor hum nista • Lectur l teraria: Música (Ana María Matute) • Mapa cultural: Universidades hispanas Un carta formal Unit 6 Tus aficiones 282–335 • Fre time and events • Sports • Tr vel and lodging • Expressing pinion • Gr mmatical f rms of courtesy • Expressing probability • Expressing purpose • Indirect speech • Expressing place • Lectura informativa: Historia de los Juegos Panamericanos • Lectur l teraria: G lletitas (Jorge Bucay) • Mapa cultural: D portes con tradición U cuento Unit 7 Por el planeta 3 6–389 • Nature and the e vironment • The weat r.The universe • Natur l disasters. Natural esources • Expressi g co dition (I) • Expressi g co dition (II) • Expressing time • The pres nt perfect subjunctive • Expressing c use a d consequence • The personal a • Lectura informativa: Las tradiciones del Sol • Lectur l teraria: El eclipse (Augusto Monterroso) • Mapa cultural: Espacios naturales singulares Un reportaje Unit 8 En socie ad 390–443 • Historical figur s, events, civilizations • Politics and gov rnment • Society • The passive voice • Uses of the past tenses (review) • Referring to he tages of an action • Uses of the indicative (review) • Articles • Uses of the subjunctive (review) • Lectura informativa: En revista a Debra McKeon • Lectur l teraria: La muralla (Nicolás Guillén) • Mapa cultural: Una ciudad con historia: Barcelona Un texto de opinión ns ................ 2 .................... 4 tions .............. 8 ................... 10 ry 1–11 ces R1–R84 ....................R1 ................ R24 ................ R50 ................. R76 VIII Contents Unidad Vocabulario Gramática Cult Unit 1 ¿Cómo eres? 12–65 • Physical characteristics and personality traits • Family relationships • Biographies • Ser and estar • Comparatives and superlatives • The imperfect and the past progressive • Expressing possesion • The preterite and the imperfect tenses • Time expressions for narration • Lectura informativa: Una breve biografía • Lectura literaria: Los hermanos Ayar (leyenda inca) Unit 2 Entre amigos 66–119 • Personal relationships •   Introductions.Expressions to invite,accept,and reject an invitation • Phone calls •   Direct object and indirect object pronouns •   Reflexive and reciprocal verbs •   Expressing wishes, likes,and preferences •   Non-reflexive verbs used with pronouns •   Expressing need or obligation •  Speaking about the future •  Lectura informativa: Juegos precolombinos •  Lectura literaria: El mensaje Unit 3 Tus cosas 120–173 • Clothing • Describing objects • Household chores and professions • The past participle • Talking about recent actions.The present perfect tense • Indefinites • Impersonal constructions.The pronoun se • The past perfect tense • Demonstratives • Lectura informativa: Guía de viajeros: un hotel inolvidable • Lectura literaria: La casa de muñecas Unit 4 Vida sana 174–227 •  Food and nutrition •  Healthy habits •  The doctor’s office. The human body •  Commands •   Verbs that express change •   Para and por • Making value statements •  The conditional tense •   Giving advice and recommendations •  Lectura informativa: El blog personal de Sara •  Lectura literaria: La leyenda del maíz (leyenda azteca) Unit 5 ¿Trabajas? 228–281 • Jobs and professions • Work and technology • Volunteering and community service • Expressing certainty and doubt • The imperfect subjunctive • Giving details.The relative pronoun que • The gender of nouns • Expressing feelings • Expressing difficulty • Lectura informativa: Manuel Jalón, un inventor humanista • Lectura literaria: Música (Ana María Matute) Unit 6 Tus aficiones 282–335 • Free time and events • Sports • Travel and lodging • Expressing opinion • Grammatical forms of courtesy • Expressing probability • Expressing purpose • Ind rect speech • Expressing place • Lectura informativa: Historia de los Juegos Panamericanos • Lectura literaria: Galletitas (Jorge Bucay) Unit 7 Por el planeta 336–389 • Nature and the environment • The weather.The universe • Natural disasters. Natural resources • Expressing condition (I) • Expressing condition (II) • Expressing time • The present perfect subjunctive • Expressing cause and conseq ence • The personal a • Lectura informativa: Las tradiciones del Sol • Lectura literaria: El eclipse (Augusto Monterroso) Unit 8 En sociedad 390–443 • Historical figures, events, civilizations • Politics and government • Society • The passive voice • Uses of the past tenses (review) • Referring to the stages of an action • Uses of the indicative (review) • Ar cles • Uses of the subjunctive (rev ew) • Lectura informativa: Entrevista a Debra McKeon • Lectura literaria: La muralla (Nicolás Guillén) • To talk about current actions ................ 2 • To talk about past actions .................... 4 • To give orders and instructions .............. 8 • To ask questions ............................... 10 Preliminary Unit Un paso más 1–11 Appendices R1–R84 • Grammar summary ............................R1 • Spanish-English glossary ................ R24 • English-Spanish glossary ................ R50 • Grammar index ............................... R76 VIII 66–119 an invitation • Phone calls •   Non-reflexive verbs used with pronouns •   Expressing need or obligation •  Speaking about the future El mensaje Unit 3 Tus cosas 120–173 • Clothing • Describing objects • Household chores and professions • The past participle • Talking about recent actions.The present perfect tense • Indefinites • Impersonal constructions.The pronoun se • The past perfect tense • Demonstratives • Lectura informativa: Guía de viajeros: un hotel inolvidable • Lectura literaria: La casa de muñecas Unit 4 Vida sana 174–227 •  Food and nutrition •  Healthy habits •  The doctor’s office. The human body •  Commands •   Verbs that express change •   Para and por • Making value statements •  The conditional tense •   Giving advice and recommendations •  Lectura informativa: El blog personal de Sara •  Lectura literaria: La leyenda del maíz (leyenda azteca) Unit 5 ¿Trabajas? 228–281 • Jobs and professions • Work and technology • Volunteering and community service • Expressing certainty and doubt • The imperfect subjunctive • Giving details.The relative pronoun que • The gender of nouns • Expressing feelings • Expressing difficulty • Lectura informativa: Manuel Jalón, un inventor humanista • Lectura literaria: Música (Ana María Matute) Unit 6 Tus aficiones 282–335 • Free time and events • Sports • Travel and lodging • Expressing opinion • Grammatical forms of courtesy • Expressing probability • Expressing purpose • Indirect speech • Expressing place • Lectura informativa: Historia de los Juegos Panamericanos • Lectura literaria: Galletitas (Jorge Bucay) Unit 7 Por el planeta 336–389 • Nature and the environment • The weather.The universe • Natural disasters. Natural resources • Expressing condition (I) • Expressing condition (II) • Expressing time • The present perfect subjunctive • Expressing cause and consequence • The personal a • Lectura informativa: Las tradiciones del Sol • Lectura literaria: El eclipse (Augusto Monterroso) Unit 8 En sociedad 390–443 • Historical figures, events, civilizations • Politics and government • Society • The passive voice • Uses of the past tenses (review) • Referring to the stages of an action • Uses of the indicative (review) • Articles • Uses of the subjunctive (review) • Lectura informativa: Entrevista a Debra McKeon • Lectura literaria: La muralla (Nicolás Guillén) • To give orders and instructions .............. 8 • To ask questions ............................... 10 Appendices R1–R84 • Grammar summary ............................R1 • Spanish-English glossary ................ R24 • English-Spanish glossary ................ R50 • Grammar index ............................... R76 Scope and Sequence Level 3