SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Unit structure T16 A careful selection. Organization by topic or situations. The Vocabulary Key vocabulary has been selected, considering the specifications of organizations dedicated to the instruction and evaluation of Spanish, including the Instituto Cervantes and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). In general, the most commonly used and standard Spanish terms have been chosen, rather than regional variants. Whenever possible words close to their English counterparts (cognates) have been included. The basic criteria for the selection of vocabulary were frequency of use and relevance to students’ everyday life, interests, and needs. The vocabulary is organized by topic or by situations related to the theme of the unit. For example, Unit 4, dedicated to the theme of food, includes words relating to foods and beverages, meals, and food stores. Theme: Food Desafío 1 Foods and beverages : pan, papa, maíz, sopa, verduras, frijoles, huevos, pollo, carne, pescado, helado, tarta, frutas, manzana, naranja, plátano, limón… Meals : desayuno, almuerzo, cena. Desafío 2 Food stores : supermercado, mercado, panadería, pescadería, frutería, carnicería. Actions in the kitchen : cortar las verduras, mezclar la ensalada, cocinar, probar la comida. Desafío 3 At the table : el mantel, la servilleta, el tenedor, el vaso, el plato, el cuchillo, la cuchara, la botella, la sal, la pimienta, el azúcar, la taza... Actions and conditions related to food : comer, beber, poner la mesa, limpiar la mesa, limpio, sucio. Desafío 4 Describing foods and beverages : caliente, frío, dulce, salado, picante, agrio, malo, bueno, delicioso. 236 doscientos treintayseis ¿Cómo está la comida? Vocabulario DESAFÍO 4 ¿Cómo está la comida hoy? Escribe. Describe these foods and drinks. Modelo El jugo de maracuyá está frío. dulce Está malo. salado Está bueno. picante Está delicioso. agrio amargo La temperatura Los sabores ¿Te gusta? ¡Cuidado! El plato está caliente . ¡Qué rico! La sopa caliente el chocolate las papas el refresco la torta la naranja 1 2 3 4 5 El helado frío 300347 _ 0226-0281.indd 262 27/12/10 15:49 16
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