SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
198 cientonoventayocho Una exposición de muñecos quitapenas Guatemalan childrenuse muñecos quitapenas todeal withworriesand stress. In thisproject,youwillmake adoll fora classdisplay,anddoa roleplay tobuy and selldollsata classmarket. paSo 1 Crea tus muñecos quitapenas • Study these worry dolls. Then describe what they look like and how they are dressed. Estosmuñecos sonpequeños.Llevan… • Make your own worry doll. Follow these steps: 1. Use a length of wire to make the body framework. Bend back the ends of the wire so they don’t cut you. 2.Wind strips of paper around the framework to make the body. 3. Dress your doll with pieces of brightly colored fabric or yarn. 4. Color the head and hair and draw the mouth and eyes. • Make a list in Spanish of the materials you have used. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1 3 2 4 PROYECTO 300347_0170-0225.indd 224 27/12/10 15:39 cientonoventaynueve 199 paSo 2 Prepara una exposición de muñecos • Display the dolls as Andy and Janet have done. • Write an advertisement to place alongside your doll. paSo 3 Dramatiza la compra y venta de muñecos • Prepare a shopping dialogue with a partner. Use this outline: A. Ask what the doll is made of. B. Describe it in detail. A. Ask how much the doll costs. B. Give the price. A. Say how many you want. Pay and say thank you. • Optional: Decide what you can do with your doll. For example: – Un regalo para tu madre. – Un regalo para un(a) niño(a) enfermo(a). Autoevaluación ¿Qué has aprendido en esta unidad? Do these activities to evaluate how well you can manage in Spanish. a. Can you talk about store hours and shopping? Ask what time the gift shop opens and closes. Say what you want to buy there. b. Can you say where someone is going? Tell your partner where you go after school. c. Can you say that you like something? Ask a classmate if he or she likes your shoes. d. Can you direct attention to things around you? Tell a classmate which book is yours: the one next to you or the one ten feet away. e. Can you compare things? Compare the price of two articles of clothing. Ask a classmate to compare the quality of two pairs of jeans. Unidad 3 Evaluateyour skills. Foreachactivity, say Verywell,Wellor Ineedmorepractice. ¿Estástriste?Estemuñecoquita laspenas.Estáenoferta. 300347_0170-0225.indd 225 27/12/10 15:39 T23 The activities are separated into steps. Each project develops from a set of activities presented sequentially in separate steps. Each step is clearly defined and includes guidelines to help students complete the activities. Una exposición de muñecos quitapenas The unit closes with a self-evaluation. At the end of each unit is a self-evaluation section with questions that correspond to the unit objectives, so that students can reflect upon their progress. PASO 1 Crea tus muñecos quitapenas PASO 2 Prepara una exposición de muñecos PASO 3 Dramatiza la compra y venta de muñecos Presentation of the task Steps Project instructions Self-evaluation tivities r s r t int st s. Each project develops fro a set of activities presented sequentially in separate steps. Each step is clearly defined and includes guidelines to help students co plete the activities. x sici c s it s it los s it s lf- lu tio . At the end of each unit is a self-evaluation section with questions that co respond to the unit objectives, so that students can reflect upon their progre s. Project instructions Unit structure 23
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