SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 expAnDing leARneRS • Ask students to work in pairs to write sentences with the following words and expressions from the presentation: visitar una casa, pasea al perro, al lado del coquí, en El Morro, con jardín. 114 cuatro Tienen que visitar una casa en el Viejo San Juan. No hay casas en El Morro. ¡Atención! La señora García está al lado del coquí. 88 ochenta y ocho En San Juan The pairs gather at El Morro , one of the largest forts built by the Spaniards in the Caribbean. Ana García, their host in Puerto Rico, has information about their next tasks, but they have to find her first! They get clues about her whereabouts from a group of actors re-enacting the defense of the island against a British invasion in 1797. El Morro La señora García vive en una casa con jardín. Pasea a su perro todos los días. La llegada 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 114 27/12/10 15: i at r t l M on f ar es r u y p n r n r ean r í , t i s n u r o, h s n r t n bou i xt s s u y ve r T y et l s bou r r abou m r u f ct r - n ct f n f s n gai n as n n 797. 180 Presentation . In this section, the pairs are in Old San Juan, looking for the home of their hostess, la señora García . . Students see vocabulary in context, with pictures and illustrations. Presenting new words directly in this manner helps students develop their Spanish vocabulary with background knowledge while engaging them with the text. You can preview the vocabulary before reading or watching the fotonovela , or review it afterwards. La llegada Unit 2 Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . Introduce the topic and ask students to study the pictures and text in silence for a moment and write down the words they understand or already know. . Students write five sentences about what they learned about El Viejo San Juan and Puerto Rico from the previous day's lesson. Preparation . Ask students to pay close attention to the video and audio sections to look for familiar vocabulary words, and to note how they are used. La fotonovela Before Viewing . Ask a student to read the introduction. Point out the picture of El Morro to exemplify the types of forts buit by the Spaniards to protect the city from pirate attacks as well as from other European naval powers. While Viewing . Point out to students the soldiers’ style of dress and their surroundings. Also, show students who the real Mrs. García is and ask them to keep her in mind as they go through the unit. Teaching Suggestions Developing leARneRS • In order to practice identifying nouns and adjectives, play a simple game with the class. One student calls out a word from this section. Then the class answers back if the word is a noun (nombre) or an adjective (adjetivo) . You may also ask students if the noun or adjective is masculine (masculino) or feminine (femenino) . expAnDing leARneRS • Ask students to work in pairs to write sentences with the following words and expre sions from the presentation: visitar una casa, pasea al pe ro, a lado del coquí, en El Mo ro, con jardín. 88 Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources Fotonovela 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2 Vis. Pres. 1. 1.2 114 cua ro Tienen que v sitar una casa en el Viejo San Juan. No hay casas en El Morro. ¡Atención! La señora García está al lado del coquí. 88 o henta y ocho J The pairs gather at El Mo ro , one of the largest forts built by the Spaniards in the Cari bean. Ana García, their host in Puerto Rico, has information abou their nex tasks, bu they have to find her first! They get clues about her whereabouts from a group of actors re-enacting the defense of the island against a Br tish invasion in 1797. El Morro La señora García ive en una casa con jardín. Pase a su perro todos los días. l 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 14 27/12/10 1 e a ga e a El , o e o e a ge o b by e S a a e a bea a a c a, e o P e o co, a o a o abo e ex a k , b ey ave o e ! ey ge c e abo e e eabo o a g o o ac o e e ac g e e e e o e a aga a va o 1797 46
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