SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018
Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 expAnDing leARneRS • To help students learn the vocabulary, write four headings to four separate columns on the board la sala, la cocina, el dormitorio, el baño. • Ask four students at a time to come to the board and each write one word from the vocabulary that corresponds to each category until there are four words under each heading. • Have students include the article, indicating if each word is feminine or masculine. • Then ask the class for other words they could add to each category and write them under each corresponding heading. 104 ciento cuatro Muebles Escribe. Make a list of four things that could be in each of the following rooms. 1. la sala 2. el dormitorio 3. la cocina 4. el baño Habla. Talk with a partner about your lists, but not in the same order as above! See if your partner can guess which room you are talking about. Modelo Este cuarto tiene una mesita de noche, una cama, un armario y una cómoda. Muebles y objetos de la casa Vocabulario En el dormitorio En la sala En el baño En la cocina DESAFÍO 2 el lavabo el refrigerador la mesita de noche el televisor el inodoro el microondas la cama la silla la bañera la estufa la cómoda la estantería la ducha el lavaplatos el armario la mesa el sofá 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 130 27/12/10 Presentation . In this section, students will learn new vocabulary to talk about furniture and appliances, review the use of articles with nouns and practice gender and number agreements. Vocabulario – Muebles y objetos de la casa DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . Have students rewrite each vocabulary term using indefinite articles instead of definite ones. Preparation . Ask students to scan the words in the pictures on the page to look for words they can understand (because they are similar in English or they learned them before). . Write them on the board and review the concept of cognates and how they help learners acquire new vocabulary. . Then read aloud the rest of the vocabulary words and ask students to repeat after each word is modeled. Point at each picture as you say the words with the class. Activities 34. Remind students that articles must agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. 37. In the Cultura section, students are asked to think about the value of learning about older buildings in order to preserve the history and heritage of a community. Teaching Suggestions Developing leARneRS • To help students learn the gender of the vocabulary, and to review the use of articles, create a worksheet with short blanks in front of ten of the words in the vocabulary. Have students fill in the blanks working in pairs. Sample words: baño, sofá, lavaplatos, microondas, televisor. • Explain that compound words such as lavaplatos and microondas are generally masculine and singular (el) . expAnDing leARneRS • To help students learn the vocabulary, write four headings to four separate columns on the board la sala, la cocina, el dormitorio, el baño. • Ask four students at a time to come to the board and each write one word from the vocabulary that co responds to each category until there are four words under each heading. • Have students include the article, indicating if each word is feminine or masculine. • Then ask the cla s for other words they could a d to each category and write them under each co responding heading. Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources Vocabulario 1.2 34. 1.1, 1.3, 5.2 35. 1.2 Audio 36. 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 37. Cultura 1.1, 1.2, 2.2, 3.1, 4.2 Tu desafío 1.2, 3.1 104 104 ciento cuatro Muebles Escribe. Make a list o four things that could be in each of the following r oms. 1. la sala 2. el dormitorio 3. la cocina 4. el baño Habla. Talk with a partner about your lists, but not in the same order as above! S e if your partner can gue s which r om you are talking about. Modelo Este cuarto tiene una mesita de noche, una cama, un armario y una cómoda. uebles y objetos de la casa Vocabulario En el dormitorio En la sala En el baño En la cocina ESAFÍ 2 e lavabo el refrigerador la mesita de noche el t levisor el inodoro el micr ondas la cama la silla la bañera la estufa la cómoda la estantería la ducha e lavaplatos el armario la mesa el sofá 3 0347 _ 0 12-0169.indd 130 27/12/10 52
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