SANTILLANA USA - ES HS Teacher Guide Sampler Level 1 -2018

Book 1 Unit 2 Desafío 2 expAnDing leARneRS • Have students work in pairs to formulate a dialogue using the floor plan of their own house with the verb haber . 1. Students draw a picture of the floor plan of their home. 2. They formulate questions such as ¿Qué hay en tu casa? ¿Cuántos cuartos hay en tu casa? 3. Finally, each partner responds to the question using the vocabulary. 106 ciento seis DESAFÍO 2 Expresar existencia. El verbo haber Gramática La forma verbal hay • In Spanish, the form hay is used to express existence. It is equivalent to there is/are . Hay un dormitorio en mi casa. Hay dos ventanas en la sala. • The Spanish form equivalent to there isn’t or there aren’t is no hay : No hay dormitorios grandes. No hay jardín en el hotel. Preguntas con hay • To ask about the existence of something, use hay : ¿Hay garaje en la casa? Answers usually include Sí or No : – Affirmative: Sí, hay un garaje pequeño. – Negative: No, no hay garaje en la casa. • To ask how many people, animals, or things there are, use the question words cuánto , cuánta , cuántos , or cuántas followed by a noun and hay . ¿ Cuántos dormitori os hay en la casa? ¿ Cuántas sal as hay en la casa? Notice that the question word agrees in number and gender with the noun. • To ask where something can be found, use the question word dónde followed by hay : ¿ Dónde hay un garaje? Note: In Spanish, questions are punctuated with a question mark at the beginning ( ¿ ) and at the end ( ? ) of the sentence. Piensa. How are questions punctuated in English? Which punctuation marks are used at the beginning and end of English sentences? En la foto… Escribe. Write two sentences for each photo. In the first, write about one thing that appears in the photo; in the second, write about one thing that does not appear. escalera - ascensor armario - cómoda Modelo 1. Hay una cómoda. No hay armario. lavaplatos - microondas sofá - mesa 1 3 2 4 300347 _ 0112-0169.indd 132 27/12/10 198 Presentation . In this section, students will learn the use of the verb form hay to express there is / there are and how to use it as a negation: No hay… They also learn to use hay in questions. . Students will also learn to ask how many people, animals, and things there are (¿cuánto(a)?, ¿cuántos(as)?) as well as where they are (¿dónde?) . They will learn about punctuation marks in Spanish and the opening (upside-down) question mark. Gramática – Expresar existencia.  El verbo  haber DESAFÍO 2 Unit 2 Warm-Up/ Independent Starter . Have students write the correct article and gender of the following nouns that end in letters other than o and a : 1. (la) pared 4. (el) microondas 2. (el) garaje 5. (el) televisor 3. (el) jardín 6. (el) refrigerador Preparation . Ask a student volunteer to read the presentation of the form hay of the verb haber . Point out that with hay one can use numbers to tell how many of an item there is or are (¿Hay una o dos ventanas?) . . That is why we can use hay with the question word cuántos(as) which means “how many”: ¿Cuántos estudiantes hay? . It is very similar to asking how many exist or are there, but hay does not tell us any more information (such as where the items are located). . In order to tell someone where an item is, we use the question word ¿dónde?: ¿Dónde hay una casa colorida? We generally answer these questions with the preposition en . Teaching Suggestions  Developing leARneRS • In pairs, ask students to take out some of the items in their book bags (mochilas) and place them on the table. They take turns telling what items are or are not on the table using hay : Hay tres lápices. No hay bolígrafo. 06 Differentiated Instruction Activities Standards Resources Gramática 3.1, 4.1 38. 4.1 39. 1.2, 1.3 40. 1.2 Audio 41. 1.1, 1.3, 5.1 42. 1.1 I T T T 1 - .i 54